Richard, are you asking about prayer for salvation that comes FROM within you, or, for salvation that comes from God FOR you? Or maybe you sense being bound in some terror or heavy burden, & you seek salvation from it?
I don't believe in man having any ability to save himself. He has tried over the ages even till now to find salvation by using religion, his own rigid disciplines or pursuits, & these will ultimately fail because salvation from the very thing that ruins us (sin) can only come from God. But if your desire is for the Salvation from God through His Son Jesus Christ or a salvation (freeing) from a burden you are unable to release, then there are answers for these.
We should keep verse 20 in remembrance. We must be "strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee". David was a man after God's own heart. We also can win the heart of God and enjoy all the benefits. We must keep our salvation current and be guided by the Holy Spirit at all times.
God does not want to be where He is not wanted, hence the reason for "but if you forsake Him, He will cast thee off forever. " v. 9 The ball is in your court, not His. He is faithful and just, and loving enough to give you what you want where He is concerned.
The use of the phrase 'for ever ' at times can be misleading. But in verse 4, David says God made him king over israel FOR EVER. Is David still the king even now? NO. Why? This phrase is to be understood as meaning 'for all someone 's life time ' Another amazing truth is that GOD UNDERSTANDS THE IMAGINATIONS OF THE HEART!!! Verse 9
I love how the Bible is its own interpreter. Notice the two phrases before that one "if thou seek him, he will be found of thee ... then it says "but if thou forsake him,he will cast thee off forever. In this verse David is talking to his son Solomon who is to come up after him. He is giving him some instructions. I believe the phrase "cast thee off " is referring to distance. Meaning as long as Solomon would seek the Lord he would be close to Him or we could say "in tune or sync ", So much so that he knows right where God is, but if Solomon chose to walk his own way and not seek after God 's way and will, there would be "distance " between him and God. It 's like that verse in the Bible that says " draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto thee. We are either close to God or we 're not! What creates distance you ask? ...SIN... even though God loves and is love God is also Holy,Just and righteous.
I love how the Bible is its own interpreter. Notice the two phrases before that one "if thou seek him, he will be found of thee ... then it says "but if thou forsake him,he will cast thee off forever. In this verse David is talking to his son Solomon who is to come up after him. He is giving him some instructions. I believe the phrase "cast thee off " is referring to distance. Meaning as long as Solomon would seek the Lord he would be close to Him or we could say "in tune or sync ", So much so that he knows right where God is, but if Solomon chose to walk his own way and not seek after God 's way and will, there would be "distance " between him and God. It 's like that verse in the Bible that says " draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto thee. We are either close to God or we 're not! What creates distance you ask? ...SIN... even though God loves and is love God is also Holy,Just and righteous.
Verse 1-10 is an inspiration to me because God wants to bless his children.God is looking for faithfulness,He told David "IF"Solomon constant to do my commandments and judgements this day I will establish his kingdom forever.God is talking to his chidren,"US";If we are faithful to do his will, God is faithful to take care of our every need.
I don't believe in man having any ability to save himself. He has tried over the ages even till now to find salvation by using religion, his own rigid disciplines or pursuits, & these will ultimately fail because salvation from the very thing that ruins us (sin) can only come from God. But if your desire is for the Salvation from God through His Son Jesus Christ or a salvation (freeing) from a burden you are unable to release, then there are answers for these.
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