"....As personal, esoteric visions reveal life s foibles, So moral vision must then come from God, and not from human source, As human standards change, and are problematic to enforce. Or, tell me then, man s moral wisdom comes from whence?" What is the Source of Wisdom and Moral Judgement? "GOD KNOWS There is absolutely nothing that God does not know, Within every nook and cranny of this tainted earth below. And every star, and every heavenly acre, and every angel and heavenly host, And every whisper of Creation must honor the Holy Ghost. God is good, and His mercies endure forever, God is slow to wrath, more kindness He will deliver. God is gracious and kind and merciful, even in righteous anger His longsuffering shields earthly ingrates from danger. Shall man by searching find God? No, God is unsearchable, His absolute goodness is not carnally discernible. Can man find redemption through research or reason? No, Faith in Jesus Christ, God s Son is the only way to go. But this is not a task that Christ-less minds can do, It happens only when Christ s Spirit dwells within you."
Don't add on are take way .what is to said nothing. U got to line up with bible .not going line up with you ok..we are sinner. Not the bible. It the living word of God. Lol
The entire Bible is profitable unto all that will read , hear and obey : God's word ,all of it . is profitable for doctrine ,for reproof , for correction and for instruction in His righteousness .It would profit me exceedingly to be a doer of God's word. I Praise God I have a copy of His word !!!
The word of God is true and should not be taken for granted...it's like a mirror that shows you exactly how you look...you must find areas of your life that needs to be adjusted after going through this particular passage. excuses aren't necessary nor helpful, just ask for God's mercy and grace and turn around for good. You will be happier. God's faithful.
Saints of God be strong and endure through these perilous times: We DONNOT think it strange when fiery trials come against us for we are children of the Most High God..Let our light shine unto those who are still in darkness so perhaps they too may see and come to Jesus; Amen
Peace has been taken from the world through the sin of iniquity and the love of so many people are wax cold as jesus said it would be,
anytime God is taken out of the world you can look for sin to self destruct in a persons life .
We must understand that in no wise anyone that refrain from the truth can be considered a product of righteousness for many have said Lord Lord and have been rejected. Let no one be under the understanding that God is not in control for all things are known of him whether disobedience or ungodlyness, therefore may all be confident that He will deliver His people. In the abundance of HIs love let us draw even closer to Him.
Timothy chapter 3 is all true. And there are so many children going up against their parents. A d the Bible speaks of honoring your parents, especially your mother. I am not where I need to be, but I am not where I used to be. By the Loving Grace of my God I will get to be with Him in Heaven end when my time comes. And I know that God is getting tired of the way His children are acting. We all need to Pray for eachother and our country. And please let people know about God, and please love your parents.
"Lord Jesus, make me an instrument of your healing love and peace. Give me wisdom and courage to bring your healing love and saving truth to those in need of healing and restoration." keep the faith Josephs satan will fail at his attempt to break your faith because with Jesus on your side you cannot fail. period!!!
On Aug 31, 2015 I was praying in the Spirit when 2 Timothy 3 ch , was given to me. In the 12:00 am hour last night. The lord spoke to in the Spirit. I hear the Lord saying , This is where we at in the world. This is happen. saith The Lord. I'm coming in a day they know not of, I'm angry because of they sins , They sins are heavy, upon the earth. I sent u do my work my child. U must not be Afraid to speak. The Lord is telling me to minister to the people about 2 Timothy 3 ch . I'm prepared my self to bring this message from the Lord MAY THE BLESS EACH EVERY WHO READ THIS AND TAKE HEED. BLESSINGS , A SERVANT OF THE LORD
Question, 2 Timothy 3:12 "I'm making it a priority to commune with the lord and pray to the Heavenly Father everyday. I'm confused, I believe in Jesus Christ and know that I want to commune and pray I'm gonna be persecuted? Is it because I'm just doing for myself to be saved? Am I deceiving myself? Please help. Age15
We are in that time now. People do not want to hear the truth .. There is a failing away from the truth. People don't come to church like they used to, the so-called Christian who life style is the world and say they are a Christian. We are living in perilous times. Jesus is come!!!! Lord help to live holy in Jesus names.amen.
Paul's writings are so much inspiring that it indulges me immediately in the spirit. Chapter 3 of Timothy gives a striking prophetic revelation of what Christians are to expect in the last days, and actually, it's scary.
anytime God is taken out of the world you can look for sin to self destruct in a persons life .