Discuss Judges 9

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks again Henry for those comments. I realize you're done with this topic, but I'll still respond as a matter of courtesy, reading through each of your pages that you've taken the trouble to share.

    You stated (of the 1 Samuel passage), "It is an error in translation evil spirit from The lord." The Hebrew of this verse shows it as given, specifically, 'a distressing spirit (or, one of adversity/evil) from Yahweh'. The question then is, did God direct this type of spirit towards Saul, or did God allow this evil to overtake Saul when God's Own Spirit was removed?' We know that Saul was already in a bad mental & spiritual state, so was open to evil influences, but we still have to get over the hurdle of God doing (or, allowing) what He did.

    And this isn't a single isolated incident. See Judges 9:23 (God judges Abimelech & the men of Shechem); Job 1:9-12 (God permits Satan to test Job's resolve rather than God doing it); 1 Kings 22:20-23 (God's punishment of Ahab leading to his death); 2 Thessalonians 2:11,12 (delusion leading to damnation to the followers of the Anti-christ).

    There's more to be shared, but will keep this short. I understand what you've stated, that Satan is the instigator of everything evil, but we do have Scriptures that show us the Works of God according to His Wisdom & Plan, and they include the participation of the evil forces present in the world. Even the wicked Assyrian & Babylonian kings signify this truth, as also those who crucified our Lord. We simply cannot separate the operation of evil from God using it or allowing it. God can allow it or forbid it as He chooses (i.e. Job could have been spared such suffering), but Satan was permitted to have his way. I see sufficient evidence of this in the Bible. Blessings.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Delilah. I understand what you're saying & it does seem that way in the Old Testament. My understanding is that there are various sorts of evil spirits, whether in their powers or purposes, being directed upon man. In 1 Samuel 16:14-23, we see an instance of Saul being troubled by an evil spirit. We don't know whether that was confined to just a mental turmoil or whether there was any other manifestation of it. But after David played upon his harp, the evil spirit departed, indicating that this spirit that was directed from the LORD upon Saul was limited in its power. Also we have other instances of this, as in Judges 9:23 (an evil spirit sent by God to foster hatred by the men of Shechem to Abimelech). So, it appears that evil spirits were active in those days also, though how they were manifested & the extent of their work in different lives, can vary.

    Then also today, the work of evil spirits still goes on, but limited by God to what they can actually do, as seen in the example of Job. And those who have mental illness does not necessarily equate to demonic possession, though other spiritual influences (of oppression or possession) cannot be ruled out either. And then the matter about whether God has control over such spirits to do His bidding, or whether what we read in the Bible is God granting permission to them giving them varied amounts of access & control in certain lives for a specific purpose. Maybe, a question that cannot be easily answered, for want of more information.
  • T Levis - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Responding to ELB,

    1John 4:1-20,

    Genesis 41:8, Genesis 45:27, Exodus 6:9, Exodus 28:3, Exodus 35:12, Numbers 14:24, Deuteronomy 2:30, Deuteronomy 34:9, Joshua 5:1, Proverbs 18:14, Ezekiel 1:20, Romans 8:14-16, Haggi 1:14,

    Isaiah 11:2,

    Leviticus 20:27, Numbers 5:14,30,

    Numbers 11:17,25,

    Judges 9:23,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Doug. The Bible doesn't specifically deal with the subject of suicide though there are many verses to explore which can certainly help those who have reached the lowest ebb in their lives. I will share a few biblical examples of those who did suicide & also verses to encourage & give hope to those who have lost all hope.

    Examples to read about: Judges 9:50-54; 2 Samuel 17:21-23; 1 Kings 16:15-19; Matthew 27:3-5.

    Verses of encouragement: Psalm 6:6-9; Psalm 31:9-16; Psalm 33:18-22; Psalm 94:17-19; 1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 5:7.
  • Rick Colombe on Judges 9 - 2 years ago
    While reading chapter nine, and seeing Abimelech's evil my mind reflected on the evil empire that resides in our country's White House. Please pray for our nation that God would show us favor, and expose Biden and his administration for their evil intentions and their march to Marxism.
  • Bible Guy on Judges 9 - 3 years ago
    And in verse 54 of judges CH 9 Abimelech sounds like a complete fool and idiot. If he did not want to be killed by a woman than why did he try to burn her alive in a tower with everyone else? It also shows that he really was like Lucifer, wanting to murder that woman along with other people in the tower but did not want her to defend herself from him, because Abimelech was a cowardly dog.
  • BSP on Judges 9 - 3 years ago
    Verse 5-This shows how devastating the greed for power can be. This is a good reminder for us to not think too much of ourselves and to be content.
  • Chris - In Reply on Judges 9 - 3 years ago
    Hi Faustino. Jotham is the youngest son of Gideon ( Judges 9:5). But you need to know, as you read this account, that Gideon, who was the son of Joash, was also called Jerubbaal ( Judges 8:35). So, Jerubbaal & Gideon are the same person. He was called Jerubbaal, meaning, 'let Baal contend with him', because he obeyed God in going out & tearing down Baal's altar & cutting down the Asherah pole ( Judges 6:25-32). As you read the account of how Jotham escaped being murdered, you will see the warning parable he preached to Abimelech (who was his brother & murderer of the other brothers) & to the men of Shechem.
  • Faustino Wilson on Judges 9 - 3 years ago
    Who is Jotham in this Chapter. ???
  • Mishael on Judges 9 - 4 years ago

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  • Bible Guy on Judges 9 - 4 years ago
    Abimelech was killed at Thebez by a woman, but he tried to prevent it from being true. Judges 9:54 Then he called hastily unto the youngman his armourbearer, and said unto him, "Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, a woman slew him." And his youngman thrust him through, and he died. Now we can all say that Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth was slaughtered at Thebez by a woman, because the truth came out, 2 Samuel 11:21" Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? Did not a woman cast a piece of a millstone upon him from the wall, that he died in Thebez?" (KJV bible) So this woman was only able to kill him because of his own stipidity and he obviously did not have an helmet on his head. Abimelech really was a bumbling idiot, who attacks towers without wearing any type of head protection? Who fights wars without wearing any type or kind of armour? Abimelech went down in history as a fool killed by a woman only because he had no helmet on his head so it deos not matter what gender the person was sho threw the stone upon his head from a fatal height and he was not paying attention, so his pothetic embarrassment was all in his mind. And Abimelech is going to hell for dying in his sins because Revelation 21:8 says" But the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake shich burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (KJV Bible)So Abimelech is in for a rude awakening, he should of thought about his soul instead of his legacy, the lesson to learn from his history is to not do the wrong thing and to repent of your sins and not to die in your sins. there are so many people like Abimelech who think that this world is all there is and once you die you are died forever and all you have is your legacy. But this is not true, there is a heaven and hell and i am going to heaven not to hell, so i will do everything to make to heaven!
  • Ngozi on Judges 9 - 4 years ago
    according to judges 9: 54b And his young man thrust him through, and he died.pls check the answer is no correct
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Judges 9 - 5 years ago
    The trees are trees which they took to burn the gates down. They represent nothing but trees. Some say they represent this or that but if they did , this or that was burned up.
  • BSP on Judges 9 - 8 years ago
    God made sure that the bad they did came back upon them in verses 56 and 57.
  • Michael C. on Judges 9 - 8 years ago
    The parable of the trees spoken by Jotham, was the pronouncing that God would certainly repay the wicked for their wickedness. Notwithstanding, the ungodly are given days to either repent or fill up their end. This story reads like any of a million stories from the News today: ungodly and wicked men continuing in their evil ways, not knowing that God is ordering all things, and their final demise.
  • Dewey J on Judges 9 - 9 years ago
    Naomia, the trees represent the people of Israel or the Israelites. Gideon is called an olive tree because he was a great man and soldier in Israel. God bless all in the reading and understanding of His Word. Glory be to God in the highest through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen.
  • Insight 777 on Judges 9 - 10 years ago
    Verse 18, Abimelech is not a legitimate son from marriage but is the son of his fathers maidservant. He would not be in line to inherit, and therefore lead, according to law. Abimelech went to his mothers, the maidservant, people for support in leadership. They paid Abimelech money which was used to kill the legitimate sons of his father in order that their family line would rule. One legitimate son, Jotham escaped. Then Jotham speaks symbolically about what happened starting in verse 8. Perhaps the trees here represent the ultimate goal to have leadership that allows peace and prosperity. The olive tree is a symbol of Israel and an olive branch the symbol of peace and end of conflict. A dove presented Noah with an olive branch. Verse 9, states that peace can not reign over the followers of Abimelech. Verse 10 and 11, the fig tree also represents peace. Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves to try and hide their transgression against God. They tried to present themselves as peaceful and innocent when they had chosen to follow Satan. Again peace can not rule over the followers of Abimelech. The vine also represents the path to peace which rejects sin and injustice. However, verse 14, the bramble represents war and conflict and war will rule over the followers of Abimelech. Trusting in the shadow which is the aftermath that follows war.
  • Neomia Gaskins on Judges 9:8 - 10 years ago
    Who are the trees,etc. Thanks
  • Chika on Judges 9 - 10 years ago
    Gideon 's son Abimelech was made king after slaying his seventy brothers... what a pity! LORD pour upon us the spirit of righteousness, purity,holiness, peace,endurance love..let your laws dwell upon our hearts...as a christian we must embrance the love of GOD ' '
  • Enoch Gyas on Judges 9 - 11 years ago
    The natural and spiritual laws in this story of Abimelech agreed with each other. Hence a sower will always reap what he had sown.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 9 - 12 years ago
    Again we are sown here the devastating affects of sin and loss of God's blessings when we do what is right in our own eyes.
    A picture of ther world doing what it wants heading for destruction, out of control, turning in on it self, but God is always in control.

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