Mark 3:22 - And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
This word Beelzebub, the Philistines had insects as their gods. Beelzebub is the "lord of the flies," and the Jews used to make fun of people. If they came across somebody's religion, they would say "Oh, you are worshipping flies today, are you?" It was because they worshipped the true and living God. So, the Jews would make fun of others.
Some texts say Beelzebul, not Beelzebub. Beelzebul is "lord of the dunghill." So, they say he has Beelzebub, lord the flies, and he casts out demons by the prince of the demons.
Mark 4:9 - And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
That is a very important phrase. I shared this during Matthew's Study, but I will share it again. When Jesus commands for something to happen, it has to happen. This is not an invitation as it might sound. He is saying the one who already has ears to hear, and then the text says, hear. It is a command! So only those people that have a spiritual ear to hear are going to hear it. That is all He told them about the story.
Mark 4:11 - And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
The term "Them that are without" means those that are without Christ, those who do not have a spiritual ear to hear.
Mark 4:18 - And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
In the Greek text it says they keep hearing it. It is a habit of life. They don't just hear it once. They are continually hearing the word.
Mark 2:22 - And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.
Literally it is wineskins. Here's what He is saying:
When you put wine into these wine skins for fermentation, when the gases began to escape from the grape, the wine skins expand with the wine. When it is through expanding, the skins are in one place, and the skins harden, they stay just in one place. You take it and you and pour it out.
So, if you take an already used wine skin that has already stretched to its maximum and is already hardened, and if you put new wine in it, when the new wine begins to expand, it is going to crack and break and your wine is gone. You put new wine in new wine skins. So, He says the problem here is that I didn't come to pour new wine (the Spirit of God), into an old religious system. It doesn't work!
That is why John the Baptist told the Jewish people that they must repent and turn to Messiah for their salvation, and that they could no longer depend upon Judaism because Jesus didn't come to breathe new life into an old system. He called people to follow Him. As a matter of fact, He didn't breathe life into any system. He came to call people to follow Him!
Mark 3:3 - And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.
Jesus tells this man with the withered hand, He says "Stand out here, in the middle." That would be the literal translation.
Mark 3:14 - And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,
That little phrase "send them forth" is the verb form of apostle, APOSTELLO. Jesus sent them out with the commission to preach. That's what an apostle is, someone who has been appointed by God and has been sent out on a commission to proclaim God's word.
Part two why did God love me enough as His enemy to die for my sins?
In previous posts I have brought up the idea that what is being widely accepted as preaching with love is either a defective view of Agape or downright deceptive. I introduced the idea that we are indeed enemies of God; and that there are times when the concept of enemies is necessary for a correct Gospel presentation. In short we could say that not only does unregenerate man have no way to really hate their sins but also that they have no capacity to love God. The litmus test; of course is the command to love our enemies which only a true born again believer can do ( Matt. 5:44). We must keep in mind that Jesus excoriated those considered the religious elite among Jews (Pharisees and lawyers in particular). He also rebuked His disciples and weeded out those who weren't wholeheartedly committed to giving up all for the sake of the Gospel. There was never from what I can tell in my years of study any individual who was pointed out in these scriptures; which allowed for those called and chosen to be duly warned and convicted. Whatever person or persons accused Beelzebub as being the source of Christ's power resulted in the warning of Mark 3:29 that such blasphemy was not to be forgiven in this llfe or the next.
In rebuking Peter very shortly after commending him for understanding that He was indeed the Son of God we see the war that was waging in Peter's heart that was the real issue. Only a saved individual could understand Christ's Divinity. The enemy however was working in Peter's mind when he didn't want to accept Christ's coming persecution. ( Matt. 16:23). One could also look at Judas Iscariot giving a plea that money would be used for feeding the poor ( Matt. 26:8-9). This passage was discussed at church by a missionary this week; and he astutely brought up the point that the woman anointing Christ was the only one aware of His burial to come. What she did was necessary.
As with the Parable of the Wedding Garment this Parable is with reference to the nation of Israel. (Matt.22:11-13). The king in the parable came to see the guests and "he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment." His presumptuous attitude over having the Law did not merit his presence among the guests. A similar rule bars the five bridesmaids who were foolish, "took their lamps, and took no oil with them."(25:3). And borrowing oil from other virgins were not an option. "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut." The foolish virgins of Israel were cast into the outer darkness as with the wedding guest. The king called them all before the foundation of the world and the king would have none of him who made his own rules. Tradition of his fathers was one such rule. " Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth./For many are called, but few are chosen."(22:13-14)
In God's eye's self-righteousness of Israel rendered them among nations on the left," Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." (25:41). This is in keeping with the everlasting covenant where the light is separated from darkness and as nations on the left are despatched to the place prepared for them. "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment." Predestination is tied to the bedrock of the word of God. So the rule of the kingdom of God is, "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother."( Mark 3:35)
"If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it."
In studying the entire chapter in relation to today's scripture verse we see the contrast between statements related to those of God not sinning and other verses which indicate anyone who says they are without sin are a liar and the truth not in them (actually 1 John 1:8 so I should have said in studying the entire book). I am not studying that but this verse specifically in regard to the "sin unto death" and its implications.
Paul mentions letting a man be given to Satan in 1 Corinthians 5:5:
"To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
That could be one application. Another would be related perhaps to the law and justifiable punishment of a death penalty for homocide. It also applied to adultery although it would appear this punishment was not as common in the time of Christ and especially once the church stated to flourish towards the end of the 1st Century AD. Since the church was being addressed here the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit shouldn't be the cause; although it certainly would apply to unbelievers as the "unforgiveable sin" as mentioned in the Gospels ( Mark 3:28-29; also verses in Matthew).
The context of the rest of the verse shows how we can pray that God will heal and restore a brother caught in sin and once again emphasizes the idea of confessing our sins to one another ( James 5:16). This is also mentioned in the Gospels at initial salvation ( Matt. 3:6) and most often to God Himself in a plethora of other scriptures. Matthew 5:23-24 speaks of leaving a "gift before the altar" and restoring relationship with a brother which alludes to the Old Testament sacrifice but certainly is applicable now. Sin hurts us and others.
Further examination of John 16:8 as to righteousness
John 16:8 And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
I have examined this verse in light of sin; but thought before I continue with the other two aspects of the verse in detail; I should mention that UNBELIEF is something that not only the world but all of us-in reality are in a state of before being regenerated; as that is the first role of the Holy Spirit. When Christ was present on earth; it was clear that after multitudes; presumably almost everyone in Israel knew of Christ's undeniable miracles ( John 11:47) and also of the Apostles ( Acts 4:16) that deliberate unbelief would be the precursor of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; where Beelzebub was said to be the source of Christ's strength; or others such as the sons of Sceva and the sorcerer in Acts would attempt to gain this power in their own strength or attempt to get it through money. The end result; clearly didn't go too well for these individuals; and no forgiveness was offered for blasphemy of the Spirit ( Mark 3:29 said early in Christ's ministry). Christ said all things against Him or the Father could be forgiven ( Matt. 12:32) but not against the Holy Spirit-and that also is set for the future reign of the Lord on the earth as well. Let us all be as the man in Mark 9:24 and ask Jesus to help us with our unbelief!
Now as to righteousness. Jesus says because He goes to the Father and we no longer see Him that the Spirit testifies of righteousness. I would think this implies that all who truly know Christ now are as the result of the unseen work of the Spirit.
As odd as it seems; when Christ was here physically as to Him being God that had to be revealed from above.
Jesus was ever dutiful Son who would while hanging on the cross entrusted the care of his mother to John, "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!/Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home."( John 19:26-27). By literal approach how false teachers consistently strip passages of their pith and serve the husks instead. This is one example. Covenant between God and Man entrusts man with His creation and does he care?
God had prepared a worm as he a great fish to instruct Prophet Jonah. At the end of the book He tells Jonah,"And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?"( Jonah 4:11) Family of man is incomplete without this same care for His creation. The Four beasts in heaven is a memorial.
Pilgrims in 1630 settled in the Americas to make a New Canaan. However it was like sewing old garment to the new in the manner the divine Will was shortchanged. Salt crystal is made up of chlorine and sodium which by themselves have their distinctive characteristics. Sodium is metal, and corrosive while chlorine is a gas and poisonous. How billions of these atoms are precisely arranged by force keeping the formation gives the table salt its savor. In the manner culture wars have dogged the country tells making a family or nation without fulfilling the will of the Father is a non-starter. "And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles."(2:22)
In this passage the Spirit is setting two sets of families each representing the world of the Spirit and of the body. In the former world familial relationship is pendent to the covenant between God and Man, The latter is symbolic of heaven but in keeping with the body formed of the dust, it is the union of dust to dust and ashes to ashes. "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven."(12:25; Matt.22:30). Resurrection of the dead is restoration of the covenant to its former glory where Power and glory of God renders the Man his throne so "and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."(Re.21:3)
Thus the saying of Jesus refers to the world of the Spirit,"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren./And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."(Matt.23:8-9)
In marriage man and woman leave their parents and they shall be one flesh, "And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?"( Luke 16:12; Ge.2:23)
This was provisioned for in the covenant. In Ge.1:28-29 we are shown what our Father in heaven had entrusted them with His creation. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." This was entrusted with man in his Son. It is to this God willed and the covenant exists, and as a proof sent his only begotten Son to the world in fulness of time.
As the key verse states there is no gender difference. Only those who do the will of God.
" No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house."
Of whose house are we? " But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." (He.3:6).One whose hope is firm to the end and works are done in faith cannot be a weak vessel. He is instead an overcomer" Jesus Christ has overcome the world and abiding in him all things are possible because he has promised and we know all promiseds of God are yea in his Son. If we have the Son we have the Father as well.
The verse speaks of anyone who serves God and mammon; like Samson there comes a point in his life that he gets taken like the dumb beast for the slaughter-house. "And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him."(Ju.16:20)
Parable of Jesus tells how the unclean spirit spoils his house.
"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none./ Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished./Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." (Matt.12:43-45)
When Jesus sent his disciples he authorized them to cast out demons. "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."(Matt.10:1) Jesus was among them as a sign; so are believers whose lives identify with it. "And these signs shall follow them,"(16:17). 'In my name'
"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation./ Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit."
Jesus was in a synagogue when he cast out the man with the unclean spirit. He called Jesus," Let us alone; what have we to do with thee". He was using the spirit of man so uses the plural form and tells "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God."(1:24-25). St Paul warned us that no one with indwelling Spirit shall say Jesus is accursed. ("Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."-1 Co.12:3). The unclean spirit in the man having taken over his life would not curse Jesus but only want him to leave him in peace. He showed faith in his speech, did he not, testifying,' I know thee who thou art, the Holy one of God'. This is what faith without works mean. In our times some of the so-called believers deny the deity of Jesus while not leaving it altogether, ought to warn not to have any trek with them. They are besides themselves to hold on to their belief. Their heresies and holding on to them, does not remain on a single point but becomes entangled with great many other errors. If one says, resurrection of the body is a lie, he is likely to cover it by the glory of this world. It is what the devil offered Jesus before he would preach the gospel. Christian nationalism, white evangelicalism are similarly are telltale signs of believers who simply appropriate Jesus, and their faith is the truncated tail of a lizard without the body of Christ."And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him."(1:25)
While we groan in this vile body we have a building of God eternal in heavens. So do we live both worlds as one or not? "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." In thy light we see the light.
Jesus formally chose the twelve "And they went into an house." Here we a curious passage,"And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread./And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself."(vv.20-21).
Fame of the new prophet we read earlier in the Gospel of Mark was no different than of John the Baptist. "And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee."(1:28) Jesus having seen the masses who were as sheep without a shepherd.(Matt.9:36) began to preach of the gospel while his cousin before him aroused much speculation and curiosity. "Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan." to hear his message.(Matt.3:5) " And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?"( John 1:19). His testimony was received and they saw him as well. "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Here we have an unvarnished look at fame or celebrity status. The ear hears so much as eye sees so often yet Jesus was an unknown quantity to his friends. "He is possessed!" summed up their report. The Spirit gives us the instance of his mother, "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."( Luke 2:19).
Hearing without faith is a dumb thing to do and it is how Jesus became so many things to so many. She heard with her ear of faith and digested over it. What many have witnessed or heard are good seed sown into the heard but it poves to be no man's land."When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side."(Matt.13:19). Is it strange to hear that some believers do not believe in trinity?
"And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him."
Sabbath day was designated as entering into the rest of God who testified, "This is my beloved Son". As a father takes delight in watching his infant takes control of his movements he doted on the Son. Jesus testified, "And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him."( John 8:29). This rest is two -way street as God testified with a voice from heaven, the Son of man glorified his Father. The rest comes from the two worlds of the Spirit and of the flesh, as two beams of light on a single standard of obedience: of the body to God, a Spirit. This true worship kept both worlds in focus, and sharp. It is thus Satan, he may quote as many words from the Scripture but was to no avail. Jesus well knew his Father having heard from his bosom and he was not fooled..
As the Word become flesh he did everything that is pleasing in his sight.
Sabbath signified faith and as logical conclusion of one who was blessed by the Father in his Son (that was stipulated in day Six) would want to enter directly therein. Pharisees stalking every step of Jesus to accuse him breaking the Sabbath reveal that they were of bad seed. " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it./ And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."( John 8:44-45)
Sabbath is for those who has the seed in itself, "And the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."(Ge.1:12) Day Three is also a command number for the Son. He is the tree of life, fruit of which for man to eat freely. Fall of man began in preferring the tree commended by the serpent.
Do you believe that the will of the Father and the will of the Son are always the same or different?
Jesus was obedient to the Father, Jesus said many times it is not His will but the will of the Father who sent Him, the same as we are to do, John 4:34John 5:30Mark 3:35.
Do you believe that a human being can truly save all men from sin and death by a perfect life in their own will?
First, I will have to say it was the will of the Father, Jesus at the end even asked His father if there was another way but not Jesus's will but the will of His Father, Matthew 26:39Luke 22:42. We are told this is the foundation of our faith, Jesus' sacrificial death. God cannot die God is Spirit He has no blood to shed for sin it had to be a man, His Son, born of a woman.
John 3:16 God gave His Son not Himself 1 John 2:221 John 4:32 John 1:7Romans 5:82 Corinthians 5:21, God cannot be made sin, 1 Corinthians 15:17 Jesus died, and God raised Him from the dead, the first man to live a perfect life, the first fruits of those who sleep in death. 1 Corinthians 15:14 as said if Jesus was not a man who lived a perfect life and died and was raised from the dead all is vain.
The first Adam was the first man Jesus was the last Adam and the second man, 1 Corinthians 15:45-47. 1 Corinthians 15:21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. The law had to be fulfilled by a man.
How would a human being know that they are the Messiah from birth and thus know not to ever sin?
As we see Luke 2:51-52 Jesus grew up increasing in wisdom and stature in favor with God and man. Jesus was twelve years old and He knew His father was God, but it doesn't say Jesus knew then He was to be the Messiah. God also said He would raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, Deuteronomy 18:15, Isaiah 11:1-5Isaiah 61:1-2 confirmed in Luke 4:18-21. Romans 1:1-42 Timothy 2:8.
Jesus of Nazareth came; in the flesh to fulfill numerous prophecies from the Old Testament of the Messiah to come; yet most didn't believe. This is inclusive of His own family members; the Pharisees and Saducees; and at times attitudes from His own disciples.
Eventually after He was risen the stupor was lifted at least for those who He had called and chosen. (see John 1:11; John 7:4-5).
In assessing the situation with the very real parable of Lazarus and the unnamed rich man; the very clear reality is shown that even if one was to rise from the dead they wouldn't believe ( Luke 16:31). This was proven by the soldiers and the concocted tale of how the body of Christ was stolen while they slept ( Matthew 28:13). It would be expected that the supernatural signs with the sun and moon during the Crucifixion would have been enough to convince everyone what had just happened; but we see similar things during the plagues in Revelation; yet the unregenerate in the end will attempt to fight Christ upon His return after hiding from Him during the sixth seal judgment.
Thus; the Holy Spirit is hidden from the world. Much as Christ's acts were recognized; many would not understand that He was indeed the Son of God. Some; as the Pharisees would blaspheme stating that the source was Beelzebub which prompted the warnings of Mark 3:29. Others such as the crowds being fed or those being healed were caught up with having their stomachs filled or earthly ills relieved; and as we see in Luke 17:11-19 only one of ten lepers comes back to Christ to worship Him after being healed. The rest followed Christ's instructions technically to go show themselves to the priests to affirm healing but weren't giving priority to the Messiah over Levitical law. This speaks to us on how we should not have fear to authenticate what are genuine healings as opposed to false ones which sadly are commonplace today.
A recurring theme in Jesus' conversations with His critics is that they are being willfully obstinate. Jesus' life and teachings align perfectly with the Scriptures these men know all too well-but they actively refuse to accept Him ( John 5:39-40). An intent to disbelieve, not a lack of knowledge, is their main problem ( John 7:17). Others have seen Jesus' miracles, and properly interpreted them as signs that He is divinely empowered ( John 3:1-2; 10:21). The men who threaten Him now, however, have proven they're opposed to God ( John 10:1-6) by crediting Jesus' miracles to Satan ( Mark 3:22).
Jesus will continue to answer in the next verse by reiterating the first of His three shepherding-related analogies from this chapter. This puts His answer in plain terms: I already told you who I was, but you're not going to listen.
And He earnestly warned them not to tell who He was. ( Mark 3:12).
This and 22 other verses apparently exist in the Gospels where Jesus warned either people or the demons cast out of individuals not to tell anyone who He was. This seems to be particularly focused on the area where the Jews were; for we see exceptions with these examples:
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. ( Mark 5:1). Here after Jesus cast the legion of demons out of a man he told him to NOT follow Him right away "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." ( Mark 5:19).
We see the same principal with the woman at the well. John 4 doesn't give any explicit command for the woman to stop; but she goes to her town and brings others; who come to faith and He remains 2 days with an unnamed town of Samaritans who also come to faith after hearing from Christ after the woman told them to come.
These incidences above show how the contrast exists with the Pharisees and religious order who were hell bent literally to oppose and try to destroy Christ from the onset. Christ had to ensure that His time wouldn't come until 3 1/2 years after he started the public ministry; as it was there were about 10 attempts on His life before the Crucifixion at the set time. This also showed a lack of faith in general among His own people; a Prophet is not honored in his hometown ( Mark 6:4). Contrast that with the pasage above and others where He stayed multiple days and no doubt they didn't want Him to leave.
This situation lead; no doubt to Jesus speaking in Parables which at one point at least He ONLY did when speaking to the crowds. ( Matthew 13:34; Mark 4:34). This is quite astonishing and shows how facts alone don't convince hardened hearts. Perhaps it allowed less people to blasphemy the Spirit the unforgiveable sin or cause other to be persuaded such ( Matthew 12:31).
Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. ( John 9:41).
In the Old Testament we see the mad Prophet Balaam stopped by a donkey who God readily used to block his way and for a mouthpiece of rebuke. ( 2 Peter 2:16-18 as quoted in the N.T. from Numbers 22-24). We see also how the demons Jesus cast out knew who Jesus was ( Mark 3:11-12). This is somewhat understandable from the fact that the angels were there to see God in heaven and witness the creation of the earth ( Job 38:7).
We are warned in James 2:19 about not just saying that we believe in God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; this is quoted many times in scripture. The conscience of men can be seared after some time; hearts hardened ( 1 Tim. 4:2; Exodus 7:3 and subsequent verses with Pharaoh). A believer has a healthy awe based on God's Holiness; and without holiness no man can see God ( Heb. 12:14).
Only man could see the miracles of Christ and still remain in unbelief. That would not just be related to the physical miracles when on earth; but also the miracle of salvation which often was accompanied by deliverance in scripture but which we see today. Mercifully God forgives any sin against the Father or Son is forgivable ( Matt. 12:32); but against the Holy Spirit is not.
The Spirit demonstrates His Holiness amongst the ministry of John 16:8 warning the world of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. The opposite of a broken and contrite heart is pride and self righteousness (only the sick need a physician Matt. 9:12).
Therefore such Pharisitical people also make their own twisted judgments on right and wrong and condemn others based on that mindset.
May we read scripture for its true meaning not through any man centered agenda; respecting ALL of it as God's Word ( 2 Tim. 3:16). May we have a heart to always glean new truths from God; seeking His face daily ( Psalm 1:2
If you've never been through the book of Revelation before, you might be interested in knowing that the study of the introduction to the book of Revelation is a study in and of itself.
It could take several long posts to go over everything, so what I have done is excerpted out some of the main points.
The Apostle John. The Apostle John is not John the Baptist.
The Apostle John is mentioned five times in the Book of Revelation: 1:1; 1:4; 1:9; 21:2; 22:8.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as the sons of Zebedee, found in Matthew 10:2-4.
Jesus gave them the name "The sons of thunder," recorded in Mark 3:17. They always wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume people if they didn't want anything to do with the Lord. There's a lot of "sons of thunder" in the church today!
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus, and spent many special times with the Lord, Matthew 17:1; 26:37.
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
What is interesting, in association with the book of Revelation, is that tradition says that around 86 A.D., they tried to execute John by dipping him in burning oil. And after they pulled him out, nothing was wrong with him. And they figured that they couldn't kill him, so they decided to exile him off onto the island of Patmos.
Again, most of the introduction to 3 John will be the same as 1 & 2 John. I will share a couple of pieces of information that will be different. I would like to point out that all of John's writings (other than the gospel of John), are in the Jewish Literature section of the New Testament.
It was written to the Jews, Jewish believers. But that didn't eliminate or cause the Gentiles not to be able to receive from the truth from these letters.
The apostle John. This is not John the Baptist. This is the apostle, John.
The apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17).
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord ( Matthew 17:1; 26:37).
The apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
John wrote the Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, and the Book of Revelation.
And you should keep in mind that even though he wrote the Gospel of John that's at the beginning of the New Testament, the gospel of John was one of the last books written in chronological order. But it was put at the beginning so that all of the gospels could be put together about the earthly ministry of Christ.
Most of this introduction will be the same as I presented in 1 John in which I shared an overall introduction to all three books.
The Apostle John. The Apostle John is not John the Baptist.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17).
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord ( Matthew 17:1; Matthew 26:37).
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
John wrote the Gospel of John, I, II and III John, and the Book of Revelation.
The Apostle John wrote I, II and III John to the churches of Asia Minor over which John exercised Apostolic leadership in his later years. Most of the recipients of his letters were Jewish believers but the letters were written for all of the believers in the churches.
I John was written sometime in the late 80s or early 90s A.D. It is believed John's letters were written soon after he composed the Gospel of John. All five of John's letters were written from Ephesus where he spent his elder years leading the churches in Asia Minor.
The Apostle John is the author. He is not to be confused with John the Baptist. He is a completely different person. We can get confused with the different people by the name of John in the scriptures. This is the Apostle John, one of the original 12 Apostles.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Zebedee was their father.
Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17). As they travelled with Jesus and the other disciples, they were the ones that said if people rejected Christ, they wanted to know if the Lord wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume them. They wanted to be the guys that blow everybody up if they don't believe. So, they're called the "Sons of Thunder" by Jesus.
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord, on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1. Also, in the garden before Jesus died, the three of them were with Him as He was praying in Matthew 26:37.
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death. Tradition says that they tried to kill him by dipping him in burning oil. But when he came out, he wasn't harmed. So, they put him out on the island of Patmos to serve his time out there. And it was on the island of Patmos where he received what we know as the book of Revelation.
John wrote the Gospel of John, 1, 2 and 3 John, and the Book of Revelation.
So, when Peter was called PETROS, or Cephas in Aramaic, and remember in John Chapter 1, Jesus said you will be called Cephas. Well, at this particular time in Matthew 16:18 is when Jesus named him PETROS. It's a spiritual name. It's a rock. But it's not a foundation stone. That's PETRA, and that's Jesus.
Simon Peter, Andrew, and their father were from the village called Bethsaida, on the Northeastern side of the Sea of Galilee. They later moved to Capernaum to continue their fishing business, as recorded in Mark 1:21, and Mark 1:29. The reason for the move was because Capernaum was the Lord's home during much of his public ministry.
Luke 4:38-39 tells us that Peter was married. In this account, Jesus heals Simon Peter's mother-in-law who was sick with a fever. Simon Peter's wife also accompanied him on some of the missionary journeys as told to us in I Corinthians 9:5.
Simon Peter also appears to be the leader of the Apostles. In all four lists of the Apostles in the New Testament, Simon Peter is named first. Matthew 10:2-7; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:13-16; Acts 1:13.
In Acts Chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples, Peter was the one who gave the first sermon.
In Acts Chapter 4, Peter is the one answering to the Sanhedrin (the religious council of the Jews). They pulled the disciples in and said you cannot preach the resurrection anymore in the name of Jesus. It was Peter who responded and spoke for the disciples.
In Acts Chapter 5, Peter is the one administering discipline in the Church. So, he's a leader.
The writer of James is introduced to us in Verse 1. The Greek word for James is the Hebrew name for Jacob. There are four prominent people in the New Testament by the name of James. The first one is James, who with his brother John, are known as the sons of Zebedee. They are presented to us in Mark 1:19.
This James was put to death by Herod Agrippa as recorded in Acts 12:2. So he is not the writer of this letter. Secondly, there is James the son of Alphaeus. He is presented to us in Mark 3:18 as one of the disciples. We don't have any more information about James the son of Alphaeus.
The third one is presented to us in Luke 6:16 where we are told about Judas the son of James. This Judas in not Judas Iscariot. Since this James is the father of one of the disciples mentioned in Luke 6:16, he would have been too old or even dead by the time James was written therefore he cannot be the author.
Fourthly, James that is given to us in the New Testament and by tradition as well as scripture itself, it is presented to us as the writer of this letter. The tradition from Jerome, Augustine, and other writers says James the writer of the Letter of James is the half-brother of Jesus.
In Mathew 13:55, it tells us that Mary and Joseph, after the birth of Jesus Christ, gave birth to other children. There are four brothers mentioned along with sisters. James is listed first so he must have been the oldest.
John 7:5 tells us that during Jesus' earthly ministry, His earthly brothers were taunting Him and did not believe in Him.
I Corinthians 15:5 tells us that after Jesus died and rose from the dead, He appeared to James His brother, as well as the other disciples and His family, and they became believers in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Messiah.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I have a few questions and comments.
I am of the belief that all opposites including light and darkness can only be contrasted and not compared, for the simple reason - they have nothing in common. They are as far from each other as the east is from the west. They are separated or divided. Is not God One? By your comments you seem to be suggesting God is divided, i.e. opposes Himself: the effects of a kingdom doing such, found in Mark 3:23-26.
It appears you confirmed your belief that God creates darkness, stating that darkness represents lies, deception, misinformation, etc. Are you saying that God represents lies, deception, misinformation, etc? Would you agree that darkness is lack of light (Truth)? Yet if God is the source of darkness as He is Light, then His Self would lack Light. Would you agree that whenever Light enters darkness, the darkness is abolished? If yes, then if God is darkness as He is Light, then He must be capable of abolishing Himself. Light abolishes darkness merely by showing us the darkness is not there. If this is true and God is responsible and the Source for both Light and darkness, then He would literally abolish Himself into non existence. I realize this sounds harsh, but this is what happens to that which is the opposite of itself and is divided, as described in Mark: it has an end. But of course, we know this is impossible with God.
What we can decide between is fixed, because there are no alternatives except truth (Light) and lies (darkness). And there is no overlap between them, because they are OPPOSITES, i.e. they have nothing in common and never share a common purpose. They can not be reconciled and cannot both be true. The truth of one thing always make the falsity of its opposite perfectly clear.
If God is the Creator of Light and darkness, and I'm asked to love God, am I being asked to love both Light and darkness?
Thank you, brother, for this discussion. I understand the 7-year tribulation rapture doctrine hinges on the prince in Dan. 9:26 and the he in vs. 27 as being the beast/antichrist at the end times. This is in brief my understanding of the 70th week and what Scripture says to me on this very important subject.
Dan. 9:25 says 69 weeks until the Messiah the Prince. Jesus was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit; the meaning of Messiah is the Anointed One. Vs. 27 "And he shall confirm the covenant" Isaiah 42:6 "with many" Matt. 20:28Matt. 26:28Mark 14:24, "for one week:"
Jesus came and was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit and John confirmed this John 1:34 The demons knew who He was Mark 3:11 and Andrew told Simon they have found the Messiah, and Philip told Nathanael, John 1:41,45 Jesus said this Luke 4:17-21.
In Luke 3:1-2 we see the time when John was called by God. If we look at history, Tiberius Ceasar, his 15th year would be 26-27 AD. It is considered Jesus was baptized in late summer or early fall. Jesus attended 3 Passovers and was crucified on the fourth in 30-31 AD. John 2:13, John 5:1John 6:4John 19:14.
There is a discussion on John 5:1 whether it is a Passover, but most accept it is. The old manuscripts have "the" in front of the feast leading scholars to conclude that it was probably the Passover feast.
The first Passover would be in 27-28 AD and His crucifixion in 30-31 AD. This would make Jesus's ministry 3.5 years, halfway through the 70th week.
"and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease" That is what Jesus's death did. Heb. 10 and when the judgment came in 70 AD the physical act of sacrificing ceased caused by their rejection of Him and crucifying Him.
Notice Mark 3:28-29, Jesus answered "...ALL sins will be FORGIVEN the sons of men and WHATEVER blasphemies they may utter.
That is including ALL sons of men and ALL blasphemies they may utter, provided of course they repent from their sins.
But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit NEVER has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation. Daniel 7: verse 8 and 11 show us who is the one without forgiveness: the beast speaking pompous words and he was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
Also in Rev 13:5 "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for
42 months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
Mark 3:23-26 . Observe what occurs when a kingdom or anything is divided against itself, i.e. opposes or is the opposite of itself. It cannot stand!
All of us are in a state of dissociation which is a distorted process of thinking whereby two systems of belief which cannot coexist are both maintained. What we can decide between, though, is fixed , because there are no alternatives except truth and what is not true. And there is no overlap between them, because they are opposites which cannot be reconciled and cannot both be true. You are guilty or guiltless, bound or free, at peace in your mind or at war. Opposites must brought together, not kept apart. For their separation is only in our mind, and they are reconciled by union, as we are. In union, everything that is not real must disappear, for truth IS union. In other words, whenever light enters darkness (its opposite) the darkness is abolished. It shows us the darkness is not there i.e. it does not exist.
Mark 3:22 - And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
This word Beelzebub, the Philistines had insects as their gods. Beelzebub is the "lord of the flies," and the Jews used to make fun of people. If they came across somebody's religion, they would say "Oh, you are worshipping flies today, are you?" It was because they worshipped the true and living God. So, the Jews would make fun of others.
Some texts say Beelzebul, not Beelzebub. Beelzebul is "lord of the dunghill." So, they say he has Beelzebub, lord the flies, and he casts out demons by the prince of the demons.
Mark 4:9 - And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
That is a very important phrase. I shared this during Matthew's Study, but I will share it again. When Jesus commands for something to happen, it has to happen. This is not an invitation as it might sound. He is saying the one who already has ears to hear, and then the text says, hear. It is a command! So only those people that have a spiritual ear to hear are going to hear it. That is all He told them about the story.
Mark 4:11 - And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:
The term "Them that are without" means those that are without Christ, those who do not have a spiritual ear to hear.
Mark 4:18 - And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
In the Greek text it says they keep hearing it. It is a habit of life. They don't just hear it once. They are continually hearing the word.
Mark 2:22 - And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.
Literally it is wineskins. Here's what He is saying:
When you put wine into these wine skins for fermentation, when the gases began to escape from the grape, the wine skins expand with the wine. When it is through expanding, the skins are in one place, and the skins harden, they stay just in one place. You take it and you and pour it out.
So, if you take an already used wine skin that has already stretched to its maximum and is already hardened, and if you put new wine in it, when the new wine begins to expand, it is going to crack and break and your wine is gone. You put new wine in new wine skins. So, He says the problem here is that I didn't come to pour new wine (the Spirit of God), into an old religious system. It doesn't work!
That is why John the Baptist told the Jewish people that they must repent and turn to Messiah for their salvation, and that they could no longer depend upon Judaism because Jesus didn't come to breathe new life into an old system. He called people to follow Him. As a matter of fact, He didn't breathe life into any system. He came to call people to follow Him!
Mark 3:3 - And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.
Jesus tells this man with the withered hand, He says "Stand out here, in the middle." That would be the literal translation.
Mark 3:14 - And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach,
That little phrase "send them forth" is the verb form of apostle, APOSTELLO. Jesus sent them out with the commission to preach. That's what an apostle is, someone who has been appointed by God and has been sent out on a commission to proclaim God's word.
In previous posts I have brought up the idea that what is being widely accepted as preaching with love is either a defective view of Agape or downright deceptive. I introduced the idea that we are indeed enemies of God; and that there are times when the concept of enemies is necessary for a correct Gospel presentation. In short we could say that not only does unregenerate man have no way to really hate their sins but also that they have no capacity to love God. The litmus test; of course is the command to love our enemies which only a true born again believer can do ( Matt. 5:44). We must keep in mind that Jesus excoriated those considered the religious elite among Jews (Pharisees and lawyers in particular). He also rebuked His disciples and weeded out those who weren't wholeheartedly committed to giving up all for the sake of the Gospel. There was never from what I can tell in my years of study any individual who was pointed out in these scriptures; which allowed for those called and chosen to be duly warned and convicted. Whatever person or persons accused Beelzebub as being the source of Christ's power resulted in the warning of Mark 3:29 that such blasphemy was not to be forgiven in this llfe or the next.
In rebuking Peter very shortly after commending him for understanding that He was indeed the Son of God we see the war that was waging in Peter's heart that was the real issue. Only a saved individual could understand Christ's Divinity. The enemy however was working in Peter's mind when he didn't want to accept Christ's coming persecution. ( Matt. 16:23). One could also look at Judas Iscariot giving a plea that money would be used for feeding the poor ( Matt. 26:8-9). This passage was discussed at church by a missionary this week; and he astutely brought up the point that the woman anointing Christ was the only one aware of His burial to come. What she did was necessary.
As with the Parable of the Wedding Garment this Parable is with reference to the nation of Israel. (Matt.22:11-13). The king in the parable came to see the guests and "he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment." His presumptuous attitude over having the Law did not merit his presence among the guests. A similar rule bars the five bridesmaids who were foolish, "took their lamps, and took no oil with them."(25:3). And borrowing oil from other virgins were not an option. "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut." The foolish virgins of Israel were cast into the outer darkness as with the wedding guest. The king called them all before the foundation of the world and the king would have none of him who made his own rules. Tradition of his fathers was one such rule. " Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth./For many are called, but few are chosen."(22:13-14)
In God's eye's self-righteousness of Israel rendered them among nations on the left," Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." (25:41). This is in keeping with the everlasting covenant where the light is separated from darkness and as nations on the left are despatched to the place prepared for them. "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment." Predestination is tied to the bedrock of the word of God. So the rule of the kingdom of God is, "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother."( Mark 3:35)
"If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it."
In studying the entire chapter in relation to today's scripture verse we see the contrast between statements related to those of God not sinning and other verses which indicate anyone who says they are without sin are a liar and the truth not in them (actually 1 John 1:8 so I should have said in studying the entire book). I am not studying that but this verse specifically in regard to the "sin unto death" and its implications.
Paul mentions letting a man be given to Satan in 1 Corinthians 5:5:
"To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
That could be one application. Another would be related perhaps to the law and justifiable punishment of a death penalty for homocide. It also applied to adultery although it would appear this punishment was not as common in the time of Christ and especially once the church stated to flourish towards the end of the 1st Century AD. Since the church was being addressed here the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit shouldn't be the cause; although it certainly would apply to unbelievers as the "unforgiveable sin" as mentioned in the Gospels ( Mark 3:28-29; also verses in Matthew).
The context of the rest of the verse shows how we can pray that God will heal and restore a brother caught in sin and once again emphasizes the idea of confessing our sins to one another ( James 5:16). This is also mentioned in the Gospels at initial salvation ( Matt. 3:6) and most often to God Himself in a plethora of other scriptures. Matthew 5:23-24 speaks of leaving a "gift before the altar" and restoring relationship with a brother which alludes to the Old Testament sacrifice but certainly is applicable now. Sin hurts us and others.
John 16:8 And when He comes, He will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: 9in regard to sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; 11and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world has been condemned.
I have examined this verse in light of sin; but thought before I continue with the other two aspects of the verse in detail; I should mention that UNBELIEF is something that not only the world but all of us-in reality are in a state of before being regenerated; as that is the first role of the Holy Spirit. When Christ was present on earth; it was clear that after multitudes; presumably almost everyone in Israel knew of Christ's undeniable miracles ( John 11:47) and also of the Apostles ( Acts 4:16) that deliberate unbelief would be the precursor of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; where Beelzebub was said to be the source of Christ's strength; or others such as the sons of Sceva and the sorcerer in Acts would attempt to gain this power in their own strength or attempt to get it through money. The end result; clearly didn't go too well for these individuals; and no forgiveness was offered for blasphemy of the Spirit ( Mark 3:29 said early in Christ's ministry). Christ said all things against Him or the Father could be forgiven ( Matt. 12:32) but not against the Holy Spirit-and that also is set for the future reign of the Lord on the earth as well. Let us all be as the man in Mark 9:24 and ask Jesus to help us with our unbelief!
Now as to righteousness. Jesus says because He goes to the Father and we no longer see Him that the Spirit testifies of righteousness. I would think this implies that all who truly know Christ now are as the result of the unseen work of the Spirit.
As odd as it seems; when Christ was here physically as to Him being God that had to be revealed from above.
Jesus was ever dutiful Son who would while hanging on the cross entrusted the care of his mother to John, "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!/Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home."( John 19:26-27). By literal approach how false teachers consistently strip passages of their pith and serve the husks instead. This is one example. Covenant between God and Man entrusts man with His creation and does he care?
God had prepared a worm as he a great fish to instruct Prophet Jonah. At the end of the book He tells Jonah,"And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?"( Jonah 4:11) Family of man is incomplete without this same care for His creation. The Four beasts in heaven is a memorial.
Pilgrims in 1630 settled in the Americas to make a New Canaan. However it was like sewing old garment to the new in the manner the divine Will was shortchanged. Salt crystal is made up of chlorine and sodium which by themselves have their distinctive characteristics. Sodium is metal, and corrosive while chlorine is a gas and poisonous. How billions of these atoms are precisely arranged by force keeping the formation gives the table salt its savor. In the manner culture wars have dogged the country tells making a family or nation without fulfilling the will of the Father is a non-starter. "And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles."(2:22)
"Who is my mother, or my brethren?"
In this passage the Spirit is setting two sets of families each representing the world of the Spirit and of the body. In the former world familial relationship is pendent to the covenant between God and Man, The latter is symbolic of heaven but in keeping with the body formed of the dust, it is the union of dust to dust and ashes to ashes. "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven."(12:25; Matt.22:30). Resurrection of the dead is restoration of the covenant to its former glory where Power and glory of God renders the Man his throne so "and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."(Re.21:3)
Thus the saying of Jesus refers to the world of the Spirit,"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren./And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."(Matt.23:8-9)
In marriage man and woman leave their parents and they shall be one flesh, "And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?"( Luke 16:12; Ge.2:23)
This was provisioned for in the covenant. In Ge.1:28-29 we are shown what our Father in heaven had entrusted them with His creation. "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." This was entrusted with man in his Son. It is to this God willed and the covenant exists, and as a proof sent his only begotten Son to the world in fulness of time.
As the key verse states there is no gender difference. Only those who do the will of God.
" No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house."
Of whose house are we? " But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." (He.3:6).One whose hope is firm to the end and works are done in faith cannot be a weak vessel. He is instead an overcomer" Jesus Christ has overcome the world and abiding in him all things are possible because he has promised and we know all promiseds of God are yea in his Son. If we have the Son we have the Father as well.
The verse speaks of anyone who serves God and mammon; like Samson there comes a point in his life that he gets taken like the dumb beast for the slaughter-house. "And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him."(Ju.16:20)
Parable of Jesus tells how the unclean spirit spoils his house.
"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none./ Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished./Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." (Matt.12:43-45)
When Jesus sent his disciples he authorized them to cast out demons. "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."(Matt.10:1) Jesus was among them as a sign; so are believers whose lives identify with it. "And these signs shall follow them,"(16:17). 'In my name'
"But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation./ Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit."
Jesus was in a synagogue when he cast out the man with the unclean spirit. He called Jesus," Let us alone; what have we to do with thee". He was using the spirit of man so uses the plural form and tells "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God."(1:24-25). St Paul warned us that no one with indwelling Spirit shall say Jesus is accursed. ("Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."-1 Co.12:3). The unclean spirit in the man having taken over his life would not curse Jesus but only want him to leave him in peace. He showed faith in his speech, did he not, testifying,' I know thee who thou art, the Holy one of God'. This is what faith without works mean. In our times some of the so-called believers deny the deity of Jesus while not leaving it altogether, ought to warn not to have any trek with them. They are besides themselves to hold on to their belief. Their heresies and holding on to them, does not remain on a single point but becomes entangled with great many other errors. If one says, resurrection of the body is a lie, he is likely to cover it by the glory of this world. It is what the devil offered Jesus before he would preach the gospel. Christian nationalism, white evangelicalism are similarly are telltale signs of believers who simply appropriate Jesus, and their faith is the truncated tail of a lizard without the body of Christ."And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him."(1:25)
While we groan in this vile body we have a building of God eternal in heavens. So do we live both worlds as one or not? "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." In thy light we see the light.
Jesus formally chose the twelve "And they went into an house." Here we a curious passage,"And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread./And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself."(vv.20-21).
Fame of the new prophet we read earlier in the Gospel of Mark was no different than of John the Baptist. "And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee."(1:28) Jesus having seen the masses who were as sheep without a shepherd.(Matt.9:36) began to preach of the gospel while his cousin before him aroused much speculation and curiosity. "Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan." to hear his message.(Matt.3:5) " And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?"( John 1:19). His testimony was received and they saw him as well. "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." Here we have an unvarnished look at fame or celebrity status. The ear hears so much as eye sees so often yet Jesus was an unknown quantity to his friends. "He is possessed!" summed up their report. The Spirit gives us the instance of his mother, "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart."( Luke 2:19).
Hearing without faith is a dumb thing to do and it is how Jesus became so many things to so many. She heard with her ear of faith and digested over it. What many have witnessed or heard are good seed sown into the heard but it poves to be no man's land."When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side."(Matt.13:19). Is it strange to hear that some believers do not believe in trinity?
"And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him."
Sabbath day was designated as entering into the rest of God who testified, "This is my beloved Son". As a father takes delight in watching his infant takes control of his movements he doted on the Son. Jesus testified, "And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him."( John 8:29). This rest is two -way street as God testified with a voice from heaven, the Son of man glorified his Father. The rest comes from the two worlds of the Spirit and of the flesh, as two beams of light on a single standard of obedience: of the body to God, a Spirit. This true worship kept both worlds in focus, and sharp. It is thus Satan, he may quote as many words from the Scripture but was to no avail. Jesus well knew his Father having heard from his bosom and he was not fooled..
As the Word become flesh he did everything that is pleasing in his sight.
Sabbath signified faith and as logical conclusion of one who was blessed by the Father in his Son (that was stipulated in day Six) would want to enter directly therein. Pharisees stalking every step of Jesus to accuse him breaking the Sabbath reveal that they were of bad seed. " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it./ And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."( John 8:44-45)
Sabbath is for those who has the seed in itself, "And the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."(Ge.1:12) Day Three is also a command number for the Son. He is the tree of life, fruit of which for man to eat freely. Fall of man began in preferring the tree commended by the serpent.
Part 4 Trinity discussion.
Do you believe that the will of the Father and the will of the Son are always the same or different?
Jesus was obedient to the Father, Jesus said many times it is not His will but the will of the Father who sent Him, the same as we are to do, John 4:34 John 5:30 Mark 3:35.
Do you believe that a human being can truly save all men from sin and death by a perfect life in their own will?
First, I will have to say it was the will of the Father, Jesus at the end even asked His father if there was another way but not Jesus's will but the will of His Father, Matthew 26:39 Luke 22:42. We are told this is the foundation of our faith, Jesus' sacrificial death. God cannot die God is Spirit He has no blood to shed for sin it had to be a man, His Son, born of a woman.
John 3:16 God gave His Son not Himself 1 John 2:22 1 John 4:3 2 John 1:7 Romans 5:8 2 Corinthians 5:21, God cannot be made sin, 1 Corinthians 15:17 Jesus died, and God raised Him from the dead, the first man to live a perfect life, the first fruits of those who sleep in death. 1 Corinthians 15:14 as said if Jesus was not a man who lived a perfect life and died and was raised from the dead all is vain.
The first Adam was the first man Jesus was the last Adam and the second man, 1 Corinthians 15:45-47. 1 Corinthians 15:21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. The law had to be fulfilled by a man.
How would a human being know that they are the Messiah from birth and thus know not to ever sin?
As we see Luke 2:51-52 Jesus grew up increasing in wisdom and stature in favor with God and man. Jesus was twelve years old and He knew His father was God, but it doesn't say Jesus knew then He was to be the Messiah. God also said He would raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, Deuteronomy 18:15, Isaiah 11:1-5 Isaiah 61:1-2 confirmed in Luke 4:18-21. Romans 1:1-4 2 Timothy 2:8.
See part 5
Jesus of Nazareth came; in the flesh to fulfill numerous prophecies from the Old Testament of the Messiah to come; yet most didn't believe. This is inclusive of His own family members; the Pharisees and Saducees; and at times attitudes from His own disciples.
Eventually after He was risen the stupor was lifted at least for those who He had called and chosen. (see John 1:11; John 7:4-5).
In assessing the situation with the very real parable of Lazarus and the unnamed rich man; the very clear reality is shown that even if one was to rise from the dead they wouldn't believe ( Luke 16:31). This was proven by the soldiers and the concocted tale of how the body of Christ was stolen while they slept ( Matthew 28:13). It would be expected that the supernatural signs with the sun and moon during the Crucifixion would have been enough to convince everyone what had just happened; but we see similar things during the plagues in Revelation; yet the unregenerate in the end will attempt to fight Christ upon His return after hiding from Him during the sixth seal judgment.
Thus; the Holy Spirit is hidden from the world. Much as Christ's acts were recognized; many would not understand that He was indeed the Son of God. Some; as the Pharisees would blaspheme stating that the source was Beelzebub which prompted the warnings of Mark 3:29. Others such as the crowds being fed or those being healed were caught up with having their stomachs filled or earthly ills relieved; and as we see in Luke 17:11-19 only one of ten lepers comes back to Christ to worship Him after being healed. The rest followed Christ's instructions technically to go show themselves to the priests to affirm healing but weren't giving priority to the Messiah over Levitical law. This speaks to us on how we should not have fear to authenticate what are genuine healings as opposed to false ones which sadly are commonplace today.
Jesus will continue to answer in the next verse by reiterating the first of His three shepherding-related analogies from this chapter. This puts His answer in plain terms: I already told you who I was, but you're not going to listen.
This and 22 other verses apparently exist in the Gospels where Jesus warned either people or the demons cast out of individuals not to tell anyone who He was. This seems to be particularly focused on the area where the Jews were; for we see exceptions with these examples:
They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. ( Mark 5:1). Here after Jesus cast the legion of demons out of a man he told him to NOT follow Him right away "Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." ( Mark 5:19).
We see the same principal with the woman at the well. John 4 doesn't give any explicit command for the woman to stop; but she goes to her town and brings others; who come to faith and He remains 2 days with an unnamed town of Samaritans who also come to faith after hearing from Christ after the woman told them to come.
These incidences above show how the contrast exists with the Pharisees and religious order who were hell bent literally to oppose and try to destroy Christ from the onset. Christ had to ensure that His time wouldn't come until 3 1/2 years after he started the public ministry; as it was there were about 10 attempts on His life before the Crucifixion at the set time. This also showed a lack of faith in general among His own people; a Prophet is not honored in his hometown ( Mark 6:4). Contrast that with the pasage above and others where He stayed multiple days and no doubt they didn't want Him to leave.
This situation lead; no doubt to Jesus speaking in Parables which at one point at least He ONLY did when speaking to the crowds. ( Matthew 13:34; Mark 4:34). This is quite astonishing and shows how facts alone don't convince hardened hearts. Perhaps it allowed less people to blasphemy the Spirit the unforgiveable sin or cause other to be persuaded such ( Matthew 12:31).
The TRUE presence of God causes division
Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. ( John 9:41).
In the Old Testament we see the mad Prophet Balaam stopped by a donkey who God readily used to block his way and for a mouthpiece of rebuke. ( 2 Peter 2:16-18 as quoted in the N.T. from Numbers 22-24). We see also how the demons Jesus cast out knew who Jesus was ( Mark 3:11-12). This is somewhat understandable from the fact that the angels were there to see God in heaven and witness the creation of the earth ( Job 38:7).
We are warned in James 2:19 about not just saying that we believe in God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; this is quoted many times in scripture. The conscience of men can be seared after some time; hearts hardened ( 1 Tim. 4:2; Exodus 7:3 and subsequent verses with Pharaoh). A believer has a healthy awe based on God's Holiness; and without holiness no man can see God ( Heb. 12:14).
Only man could see the miracles of Christ and still remain in unbelief. That would not just be related to the physical miracles when on earth; but also the miracle of salvation which often was accompanied by deliverance in scripture but which we see today. Mercifully God forgives any sin against the Father or Son is forgivable ( Matt. 12:32); but against the Holy Spirit is not.
The Spirit demonstrates His Holiness amongst the ministry of John 16:8 warning the world of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. The opposite of a broken and contrite heart is pride and self righteousness (only the sick need a physician Matt. 9:12).
Therefore such Pharisitical people also make their own twisted judgments on right and wrong and condemn others based on that mindset.
May we read scripture for its true meaning not through any man centered agenda; respecting ALL of it as God's Word ( 2 Tim. 3:16). May we have a heart to always glean new truths from God; seeking His face daily ( Psalm 1:2
If you've never been through the book of Revelation before, you might be interested in knowing that the study of the introduction to the book of Revelation is a study in and of itself.
It could take several long posts to go over everything, so what I have done is excerpted out some of the main points.
The Apostle John. The Apostle John is not John the Baptist.
The Apostle John is mentioned five times in the Book of Revelation: 1:1; 1:4; 1:9; 21:2; 22:8.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as the sons of Zebedee, found in Matthew 10:2-4.
Jesus gave them the name "The sons of thunder," recorded in Mark 3:17. They always wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume people if they didn't want anything to do with the Lord. There's a lot of "sons of thunder" in the church today!
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus, and spent many special times with the Lord, Matthew 17:1; 26:37.
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
What is interesting, in association with the book of Revelation, is that tradition says that around 86 A.D., they tried to execute John by dipping him in burning oil. And after they pulled him out, nothing was wrong with him. And they figured that they couldn't kill him, so they decided to exile him off onto the island of Patmos.
Again, most of the introduction to 3 John will be the same as 1 & 2 John. I will share a couple of pieces of information that will be different. I would like to point out that all of John's writings (other than the gospel of John), are in the Jewish Literature section of the New Testament.
It was written to the Jews, Jewish believers. But that didn't eliminate or cause the Gentiles not to be able to receive from the truth from these letters.
The apostle John. This is not John the Baptist. This is the apostle, John.
The apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17).
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord ( Matthew 17:1; 26:37).
The apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
John wrote the Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John, and the Book of Revelation.
And you should keep in mind that even though he wrote the Gospel of John that's at the beginning of the New Testament, the gospel of John was one of the last books written in chronological order. But it was put at the beginning so that all of the gospels could be put together about the earthly ministry of Christ.
Most of this introduction will be the same as I presented in 1 John in which I shared an overall introduction to all three books.
The Apostle John. The Apostle John is not John the Baptist.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17).
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord ( Matthew 17:1; Matthew 26:37).
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death.
John wrote the Gospel of John, I, II and III John, and the Book of Revelation.
The Apostle John wrote I, II and III John to the churches of Asia Minor over which John exercised Apostolic leadership in his later years. Most of the recipients of his letters were Jewish believers but the letters were written for all of the believers in the churches.
I John was written sometime in the late 80s or early 90s A.D. It is believed John's letters were written soon after he composed the Gospel of John. All five of John's letters were written from Ephesus where he spent his elder years leading the churches in Asia Minor.
The Apostle John is the author. He is not to be confused with John the Baptist. He is a completely different person. We can get confused with the different people by the name of John in the scriptures. This is the Apostle John, one of the original 12 Apostles.
The Apostle John had a brother by the name of James. They were known as "The Sons of Zebedee" ( Matthew 10:2-4). Zebedee was their father.
Jesus gave them the name "The Sons of Thunder" ( Mark 3:17). As they travelled with Jesus and the other disciples, they were the ones that said if people rejected Christ, they wanted to know if the Lord wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume them. They wanted to be the guys that blow everybody up if they don't believe. So, they're called the "Sons of Thunder" by Jesus.
John, Peter, and James were the inner circle of the disciples of Jesus and spent many special times with the Lord, on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1. Also, in the garden before Jesus died, the three of them were with Him as He was praying in Matthew 26:37.
The Apostle John was the only original apostle not to die a martyr's death. Tradition says that they tried to kill him by dipping him in burning oil. But when he came out, he wasn't harmed. So, they put him out on the island of Patmos to serve his time out there. And it was on the island of Patmos where he received what we know as the book of Revelation.
John wrote the Gospel of John, 1, 2 and 3 John, and the Book of Revelation.
So, when Peter was called PETROS, or Cephas in Aramaic, and remember in John Chapter 1, Jesus said you will be called Cephas. Well, at this particular time in Matthew 16:18 is when Jesus named him PETROS. It's a spiritual name. It's a rock. But it's not a foundation stone. That's PETRA, and that's Jesus.
Simon Peter, Andrew, and their father were from the village called Bethsaida, on the Northeastern side of the Sea of Galilee. They later moved to Capernaum to continue their fishing business, as recorded in Mark 1:21, and Mark 1:29. The reason for the move was because Capernaum was the Lord's home during much of his public ministry.
Luke 4:38-39 tells us that Peter was married. In this account, Jesus heals Simon Peter's mother-in-law who was sick with a fever. Simon Peter's wife also accompanied him on some of the missionary journeys as told to us in I Corinthians 9:5.
Simon Peter also appears to be the leader of the Apostles. In all four lists of the Apostles in the New Testament, Simon Peter is named first. Matthew 10:2-7; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:13-16; Acts 1:13.
In Acts Chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples, Peter was the one who gave the first sermon.
In Acts Chapter 4, Peter is the one answering to the Sanhedrin (the religious council of the Jews). They pulled the disciples in and said you cannot preach the resurrection anymore in the name of Jesus. It was Peter who responded and spoke for the disciples.
In Acts Chapter 5, Peter is the one administering discipline in the Church. So, he's a leader.
The writer of James is introduced to us in Verse 1. The Greek word for James is the Hebrew name for Jacob. There are four prominent people in the New Testament by the name of James. The first one is James, who with his brother John, are known as the sons of Zebedee. They are presented to us in Mark 1:19.
This James was put to death by Herod Agrippa as recorded in Acts 12:2. So he is not the writer of this letter. Secondly, there is James the son of Alphaeus. He is presented to us in Mark 3:18 as one of the disciples. We don't have any more information about James the son of Alphaeus.
The third one is presented to us in Luke 6:16 where we are told about Judas the son of James. This Judas in not Judas Iscariot. Since this James is the father of one of the disciples mentioned in Luke 6:16, he would have been too old or even dead by the time James was written therefore he cannot be the author.
Fourthly, James that is given to us in the New Testament and by tradition as well as scripture itself, it is presented to us as the writer of this letter. The tradition from Jerome, Augustine, and other writers says James the writer of the Letter of James is the half-brother of Jesus.
In Mathew 13:55, it tells us that Mary and Joseph, after the birth of Jesus Christ, gave birth to other children. There are four brothers mentioned along with sisters. James is listed first so he must have been the oldest.
John 7:5 tells us that during Jesus' earthly ministry, His earthly brothers were taunting Him and did not believe in Him.
I Corinthians 15:5 tells us that after Jesus died and rose from the dead, He appeared to James His brother, as well as the other disciples and His family, and they became believers in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Messiah.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I have a few questions and comments.
I am of the belief that all opposites including light and darkness can only be contrasted and not compared, for the simple reason - they have nothing in common. They are as far from each other as the east is from the west. They are separated or divided. Is not God One? By your comments you seem to be suggesting God is divided, i.e. opposes Himself: the effects of a kingdom doing such, found in Mark 3:23-26.
It appears you confirmed your belief that God creates darkness, stating that darkness represents lies, deception, misinformation, etc. Are you saying that God represents lies, deception, misinformation, etc? Would you agree that darkness is lack of light (Truth)? Yet if God is the source of darkness as He is Light, then His Self would lack Light. Would you agree that whenever Light enters darkness, the darkness is abolished? If yes, then if God is darkness as He is Light, then He must be capable of abolishing Himself. Light abolishes darkness merely by showing us the darkness is not there. If this is true and God is responsible and the Source for both Light and darkness, then He would literally abolish Himself into non existence. I realize this sounds harsh, but this is what happens to that which is the opposite of itself and is divided, as described in Mark: it has an end. But of course, we know this is impossible with God.
What we can decide between is fixed, because there are no alternatives except truth (Light) and lies (darkness). And there is no overlap between them, because they are OPPOSITES, i.e. they have nothing in common and never share a common purpose. They can not be reconciled and cannot both be true. The truth of one thing always make the falsity of its opposite perfectly clear.
If God is the Creator of Light and darkness, and I'm asked to love God, am I being asked to love both Light and darkness?
God Is
Thank you, brother, for this discussion. I understand the 7-year tribulation rapture doctrine hinges on the prince in Dan. 9:26 and the he in vs. 27 as being the beast/antichrist at the end times. This is in brief my understanding of the 70th week and what Scripture says to me on this very important subject.
Dan. 9:25 says 69 weeks until the Messiah the Prince. Jesus was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit; the meaning of Messiah is the Anointed One. Vs. 27 "And he shall confirm the covenant" Isaiah 42:6 "with many" Matt. 20:28 Matt. 26:28 Mark 14:24, "for one week:"
Jesus came and was baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit and John confirmed this John 1:34 The demons knew who He was Mark 3:11 and Andrew told Simon they have found the Messiah, and Philip told Nathanael, John 1:41,45 Jesus said this Luke 4:17-21.
In Luke 3:1-2 we see the time when John was called by God. If we look at history, Tiberius Ceasar, his 15th year would be 26-27 AD. It is considered Jesus was baptized in late summer or early fall. Jesus attended 3 Passovers and was crucified on the fourth in 30-31 AD. John 2:13, John 5:1 John 6:4 John 19:14.
There is a discussion on John 5:1 whether it is a Passover, but most accept it is. The old manuscripts have "the" in front of the feast leading scholars to conclude that it was probably the Passover feast.
The first Passover would be in 27-28 AD and His crucifixion in 30-31 AD. This would make Jesus's ministry 3.5 years, halfway through the 70th week.
"and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease" That is what Jesus's death did. Heb. 10 and when the judgment came in 70 AD the physical act of sacrificing ceased caused by their rejection of Him and crucifying Him.
See part 2
That is including ALL sons of men and ALL blasphemies they may utter, provided of course they repent from their sins.
But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit NEVER has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation. Daniel 7: verse 8 and 11 show us who is the one without forgiveness: the beast speaking pompous words and he was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.
Also in Rev 13:5 "And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for
42 months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven.
Mark 3:23-26 . Observe what occurs when a kingdom or anything is divided against itself, i.e. opposes or is the opposite of itself. It cannot stand!
All of us are in a state of dissociation which is a distorted process of thinking whereby two systems of belief which cannot coexist are both maintained. What we can decide between, though, is fixed , because there are no alternatives except truth and what is not true. And there is no overlap between them, because they are opposites which cannot be reconciled and cannot both be true. You are guilty or guiltless, bound or free, at peace in your mind or at war. Opposites must brought together, not kept apart. For their separation is only in our mind, and they are reconciled by union, as we are. In union, everything that is not real must disappear, for truth IS union. In other words, whenever light enters darkness (its opposite) the darkness is abolished. It shows us the darkness is not there i.e. it does not exist.
James 1:5,
Exodus 20, Exodus 31:12-17, note Exodus 31:16,17, Exodus 35:1-2, Leviticus 16:29-34, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 24:8,9,
Leviticus 25, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 12, Matthew 28:1-9, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:52,53,54,56, John 19:31, Mark 1:21,
2Chronicles 36:20-21, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 17, Amos 8, Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 3:4, John 5:10,16 hypocrisy & cruelty, John 7:22,23, Malachi 3:5,
Nehemiah 10:31, Nehemiah 13:14-27, Isaiah 56,
Colossians 2:16,
Hopefully these are all helpful in your study & Bible Study.