Joshua Chapter 18 Discussion

  • Emperess on Joshua 18 - 5 years ago
    God is so good he distributed the land evenly so there would be no despute. He encouraged his tribe let's take by force awesome. That's the spirit we need to have
  • A disciple on Joshua 18 - 7 years ago
    "..And the land was subdued before them." Israel entering into the Promised Land, and subduing the Nations which the LORD had judged to be utterly taken away; was meant for the good of the world, and the benefit of all men. The coming eternal reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, and all dominion given to the Saints; shall make the earth to "ring again" as the earth is filled with the glory of the LORD!
  • April on Joshua 18 - 7 years ago
    Amazing,how precious it was for them to have been blessed by father,and him fulfill his promises,may they appreciate it always,and remember the commandments,that were as well apart of the gift given by father onto their forefathers,I hope they said thank you all their days of their lives for being so blessed,just as we should realize how many blessings we get,both big and small,Amen,god bless you.
  • Anne on Joshua 18 - 9 years ago
    As children of the most high God we must take possession of His promises by faith. We must move by faith and trust God to fulfil His promises.
  • Jo on Joshua 18 - 9 years ago
    I think Joshua was obedient and courageous. His faith, confidence, and love for God are evidenced through the book of Joshua. I think he serves as a great example of leadership.
  • Eaglesrocke on Joshua 18 - 9 years ago
    3 And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you? How many of us a children of God have not yet possess his promises that he has given to us. Like Healing, Peace and Joy.
  • Nicholas Mutisya on Joshua 18:10 - 11 years ago
    Every tribe of Israel was not just going to live everywhere or anywhere, there were borders, limits for them. God doesn't intend for us to do just everything in His Kingdom,there is a measure fo faith, gifting varies from individual to individual and we need to understand God has designed for us to do.

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