this is powerful chptr, in 3 basic parts. the Birth of Jesus.8 days later,back to Jerusalem at the temple,from Egypt.then 12 years later...
at the Temple 7-8 days later after his Birth,is a special part of a special story
There an elderly man and woman were present ,Anna and Simeon,along with Baby Jesus ,Mary n Joesepth.Simeon held baby Jesus and proclaimed his purpose,Anna instantly did like wise.a bunch of little stories within these stories
Mary and Joesepth would go to Jerusalem evry yr. for Passover feast,there was another reason Jesus did what he did when he did
I was challenged to read the book of Luke starting today. I was amazed that I learned things about the conception of Jesus that I didn't know and about Mary's related that God blessed with a child called John, too. A Bible Challenge is a good idea. I am proud of my cousin for doing this on FaceBook. I love my online Bible. I post scriptures every day for others to read. I love this website.
I always have to remind myself of the truth of Scripture when I meditate and ponder the passages I am reading and praying for wisdom from the LORD. I always must remember 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God..."
The Scriptures teaches us that JESUS never sinned in HIS heart or in action. Every thing HE did glorified the FATHER'S name. As far as 12 yr old JESUS addressing Mary, and 30 yr old Jesus addressing her as "woman" it was acceptable and not considered as a sin nor disrespectful.
In my culture, presently all the children address their parents as mom/dad or the equivalent. Prior to the 1970's, we called our parents by their first names. This was not considered as disrespectful or ill-mannered, it was part of our culture and social norm. We should never try to press the narrative to fit our own thinking or our life style.
The bottom line is when scripture indicates a truth, then it is the truth for all times.
The LORD shine HIS face upon us all. Keep praying for our nation's leadership and the coming mid term elections. 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Praying also for our first responders and the lost.
We know really nothing apart from that incident when the 12 year old child Jesus got lost in the crowds and was found out by His parents in the Temple of Solomon. Also we know that He used to work as a carpenter like His father Joseph did. GBU.
Jesus never sinned, so I do not think He was being disrespectful to His mother. He was most likely speaking to her in a way that was common in those times and it did not ring as rude then.
Dear "Carol Ann Pallonetti", He was preoccupied with quite a lot other than worldly things when He was about to give up the Spirit. With Him was all wisdom from birth. He may not have recognized her at all. When He also meant that why do you grieve? You should know better!
I also think He is rude. But He probably also knew that after His death there will be doctrines and teachings that honor the Lord's mother. He might want to point out that Honor Me all of you, do not begin and honor my mother. Unfortunately, she probably only had one task. His thoughts are not like our thoughts. When He in the flesh could say so, and yet not mean it in a Spiritual way. I also think the Lord showed His carnal side in the question to His mother. Maybe she's pushing Him? God knows!
Have you ever woken up from anesthesia? And experienced pain hell. Then you are not properly sensed with yourself an ordinary human being either. Rather, think of what He went through here on earth. He even had to say to His disciples: How long shall I endure with you? Be happy that in His wounds we have been healed:
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Ephesians 3.
Stay blessed in His Holy name Jesus, love u in Christ.
There was a statement that was made by Jesus to his Mother when she finds him in the Temple and states your Father and I were filled with worries. Jesus says to his Mother in Reply " Women do you not see that I am in the Hiuse of my Father!! Was this not be Disrespectful to his Mother???
I appreciated your very thoughtful & insightful comments of our Lord's early years, GiGi. I've often considered that part of His Life that has sadly been withheld from us, for good reason no doubt.
It's almost impossible to imagine a young boy growing up with others of his age around him & not be influenced & tempted to imitate their fleshly ways or satisfy Himself with carnal offerings. His obedience to his parents & wisdom of words & counsel, would no doubt have intrigued many folk & ministered to both young & old.
Yes, this verse tells us that Jesus grew up just like all of us, but was never sinful. He please the Father by always doing His will even as a child and teenager! He pleased men because He never wronged anyone by word or deed. I am pretty sure that He was eager to help and serve others through His growing up years and, in a culture that valued godly living, godly people could only speak well of Him. Wicked, rebellious people probably were uncomfortable around Him as His goodness and righteousness would be convicting for them. But perhaps His example turned some of these sinners back to God. We don't know much about His life between birth and age 30, so what we think or say is only reasoned speculation. But it is good to imagine how pure and holy Jesus was even as a child, youth, and young adult. I think it is easy for us to think that he was like other children with the foibles of bring young and not of the age of reason, but He was never disobedient His parents, or sassy, or crude, or mean to other children. He may have had a good sense of humor, but would not have used it to ridicule or embarrass others. He wasn't lazy, indolent, prideful, lustful, deceptive, or any other typical sinful propensity. Imagine growing up knowing someone like Him! Either you were drawn to Him or shrunk back away from Him depending on the condition of your heart before God.
Yes.the swaddling clothes also swas a pictue of jesus death. the manager was were a lamb that was unblimished for there rititual of law, it was a picture of royality, a king. thanks maybe ou can share more information for us coy.
Hello Coy The shepherds were told specifically by the angels that ye shall find a child wrapped in swaddling
clothes a specific sign indicating that indeed who they saw was the Son of God. In the east a male child born
of royalty for a few minutes is wrapped with legs and arms straight to covering everything but the mouth and
nose to breath in a 2-3" clothe that has salt water in it indicating that the child's words would be pure and would walk uprightly before God. So the shepherds showed up at the exact correct time to see this event, Gods timing is
This is a good question. I suggest that you study the accounts and make a four column graphic to write down some major differences and similarities. That may help.
You could also google the question and you may find such a graphic. I have not looked yet, but will do so tomorrow and get back to you if I find something.
Spencer, I never thought about that about a priest beginning is service at 30. I know in many instances in the old testament that men would take a wife at thirty or so (Iaaac and Jacob)
Luke 3:22-23. And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.
( AND JESUS HIMSELF BEGAN TO BE ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OF AGE, ) being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,
It may have something to do with serving as a priest.
It is often stated that Jesus was 30 when He began preaching the news of the kingdom after His baptism. And He preached for 3 years or so before He was crucified. I am not sure of the exact age or times, but it was probably within this range give or take a few years either way. He also was in the temple at age twelve and spoke about what was read in the Torah. The teachers marveled at what He said, since it was so wise and mature.
Amen to that comment, the old KJV is all I read also. So many people are trying to argue their way into heaven, fighting over who's right and who's wrong they forget the simple answer is right there in the Word of God John 14:6 (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) Very nice comment D W L, God Bless.
at the Temple 7-8 days later after his Birth,is a special part of a special story
There an elderly man and woman were present ,Anna and Simeon,along with Baby Jesus ,Mary n Joesepth.Simeon held baby Jesus and proclaimed his purpose,Anna instantly did like wise.a bunch of little stories within these stories
Mary and Joesepth would go to Jerusalem evry yr. for Passover feast,there was another reason Jesus did what he did when he did
The Scriptures teaches us that JESUS never sinned in HIS heart or in action. Every thing HE did glorified the FATHER'S name. As far as 12 yr old JESUS addressing Mary, and 30 yr old Jesus addressing her as "woman" it was acceptable and not considered as a sin nor disrespectful.
In my culture, presently all the children address their parents as mom/dad or the equivalent. Prior to the 1970's, we called our parents by their first names. This was not considered as disrespectful or ill-mannered, it was part of our culture and social norm. We should never try to press the narrative to fit our own thinking or our life style.
The bottom line is when scripture indicates a truth, then it is the truth for all times.
The LORD shine HIS face upon us all. Keep praying for our nation's leadership and the coming mid term elections. 1 Timothy 2:1-3
Praying also for our first responders and the lost.
September 24, 2022
We know really nothing apart from that incident when the 12 year old child Jesus got lost in the crowds and was found out by His parents in the Temple of Solomon. Also we know that He used to work as a carpenter like His father Joseph did. GBU.
Jesus never sinned, so I do not think He was being disrespectful to His mother. He was most likely speaking to her in a way that was common in those times and it did not ring as rude then.
I also think He is rude. But He probably also knew that after His death there will be doctrines and teachings that honor the Lord's mother. He might want to point out that Honor Me all of you, do not begin and honor my mother. Unfortunately, she probably only had one task. His thoughts are not like our thoughts. When He in the flesh could say so, and yet not mean it in a Spiritual way. I also think the Lord showed His carnal side in the question to His mother. Maybe she's pushing Him? God knows!
Have you ever woken up from anesthesia? And experienced pain hell. Then you are not properly sensed with yourself an ordinary human being either. Rather, think of what He went through here on earth. He even had to say to His disciples: How long shall I endure with you? Be happy that in His wounds we have been healed:
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Ephesians 3.
Stay blessed in His Holy name Jesus, love u in Christ.
In current culture the term "woman" can/is, at times, be used in a derogatory manner.
In the time of Mary a "woman" was simply a woman.
Most importantly, Jesus also called to Mary as "woman," on the cross.
"Woman, behold, thy son!"
As pure as saying father or mother, with respect.
Hope this helps! God bless!
It's almost impossible to imagine a young boy growing up with others of his age around him & not be influenced & tempted to imitate their fleshly ways or satisfy Himself with carnal offerings. His obedience to his parents & wisdom of words & counsel, would no doubt have intrigued many folk & ministered to both young & old.
in regards to royalty, what he was buried in was two pieces, the swaddling clothes is one piece, just for the record.
It Is Written!
clothes a specific sign indicating that indeed who they saw was the Son of God. In the east a male child born
of royalty for a few minutes is wrapped with legs and arms straight to covering everything but the mouth and
nose to breath in a 2-3" clothe that has salt water in it indicating that the child's words would be pure and would walk uprightly before God. So the shepherds showed up at the exact correct time to see this event, Gods timing is
always perfect.
I found one site that outlines the nativity accounts.
Bible Bridge
You may look it up and see if that helps
This is a good question. I suggest that you study the accounts and make a four column graphic to write down some major differences and similarities. That may help.
You could also google the question and you may find such a graphic. I have not looked yet, but will do so tomorrow and get back to you if I find something.
I agree with GiGi, I believe Jesus was 30 yrs old
Luke 3:22-23. And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.
( AND JESUS HIMSELF BEGAN TO BE ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OF AGE, ) being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,
It may have something to do with serving as a priest.
Numbers 4:3-4.
God bless.
Amen to that comment, the old KJV is all I read also. So many people are trying to argue their way into heaven, fighting over who's right and who's wrong they forget the simple answer is right there in the Word of God John 14:6 (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.) Very nice comment D W L, God Bless.