Luke Chapter 6 Discussion

  • Anonymous - In Reply on Luke 6:37 - 2 years ago
    Ok i will
  • Troy Sanders on Luke 6:37 - 2 years ago
    Here we are a New Year is here so before its to late ask Jesus into your Heart & do it from a heavenly standard not from a worldly way if you understand where im coming from you have to be completely tired of trying to do it on your own tell Jesus Christ that you are sorry and that you would like to be his complete vessle and REPENT out of the fact that you have hurt our father in heaven dont be sorry to your parents,kids,wife,boss,dogg etc none of that matters be sorry unto our LORD IN HEAVEN FATHER,SON,& THE HOLY SPIRIT if you do this and mean it with your complete heart GOD WILL SHOW YOU THINGS THAT YOU CANT EVEN FATHOM GOD BLESS THE WORLD LOVE JESUS
  • Tammy on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Is it in the Bible where you should give the church 5% offering, I know you give a 10% tithe?
  • Sammi - In Reply on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Maybe you have been thinking about a brighter future in this life . Maybe you need to look to the next life and not so much this one . You must see that this world is full of people and people are sinners . Most of the people with power in this world are not Christians . They are interested in the pleasures of this life . We have to be different to them and set our hearts on the next life , when we will be with our Saviour . That's better than anything this life can offer . Christians have lots to look forward to but this life isn't where we shall find peace and happiness . If we were of this world then this world would love us , did this world love Jesus ? No it did not . We must be dead to this world and alive in Christ . This world is nothing to us and we are nothing to it and that's exactly how it should be .
  • Adam - In Reply on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Hello Boyet, this page has info that may be helpful to your studies:


    Many people here are happy to help answer any questions you have.
  • Boyet on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    How to get in heaven
  • BSP on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Verse 27-This can be very hard to follow but in imitation of Christ we must work hard and pray to love our enemies.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Giannis, You are welcome into our conversation anytime. Thanks for reminding me about the jailer and his household. i also remember that a Scripture says something like that the children of a believer are sanctified. (Not sure of the verse).

    I think that the family especially is God's institution for growing His church. Believing parents who happily receive children from God into their lives increases the "body" of Christ by raising their children up in the faith. Of course, each child needs to come to salvation in the same way as everyone else by acting on the faith the Holy Spirit provides for them. But, as parents, we pray for our children to be "in Christ". And we have faith that this prayer is in God's will and that He will answer our prayers for the good of our children, who truly, come from Him, and are His.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    I value your friendship as well, Gigi! I've been blessed by the things you've shared here - both natural things and spiritual things.

    Thank you for your encouragement regarding our children, Gigi. When the battle is long, and there seems to be not much hope (the operative word is 'seems'!! :) --- it's a blessing to have a sister in the Lord remind me of God's promises! :)

    God bless you, Gigi, and have a wonderfully blessed night,

    and a sweet sleep, resting your weary head on the bosom of our Lord!

  • Giannis - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Dear Kay, GiGi, sorry to interfere in your conversation but GiGi your statement "I do think that God has appointed the children of believing parents to salvation" is very very true. That is what apostle Paul said to that prison guard in Philippi ( Acts 16:31) "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, AND THY HOUSE". GBU
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Kay, I so appreciate your outreach to me. God is keeping us prayerful until He accomplishes the answers to our prayers for our loved ones according to His timing and will. He is training us to persevere in prayer AND faith along the way to these answers.

    We so love our children, but God loves each of them more than we ever could, so we can trust Him to be working in their lives 24/7 to bring about His purpose for creating each one. I do think that God has appointed the children of believing parents to salvation. It will happen in His timing. We can lay our children upon the altar of faith and give them to God, knowing if He can raise the dead, He can regenerate our children, too.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi!

    I'm sorry for the physical pain you endure, but admire the spirit that the Lord has given you to not give up, and to do what you can, when you can! There is something SO therapeutic about gardening!! I don't blame you for loving to get out there and poke around in the dirt! Ha ha! I love it myself!

    When my children were younger, and before their Dad died (at 38 years of age), we did a lot of camping. Sad to say, at the moment, my family is very divided. My children don't really speak to each other...and all of us live very far from each other, for the most part. It's challenging, but the Lord knows! We just pray on, and believe on for our families! Unless the Lord works in hearts, nothing true and lasting can change. So, I try to keep my flesh out of things, and trust in the Lord!

    I rejoice to hear that things are going well with your family, step by step, Gigi. When we dwell together in unity it is a huge, huge blessing! Praise the Lord!

    Over the years, I've heard many testimonies of the 'power of a mom's prayers'; I'm sure as we pray for our families, God will yet do a work. When I pray for you, I want to remember to pray for your daughter-in-law! May she be drawn by the light in your lives, and by the sweetness of your words!

    Well, I have to finish up some stuff, so will close for now! It's so pleasant to get

    to know you through this discussion page, Gigi! What a blessing!

  • GiGi again - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Good morning Kay, well, too bad we haven't met in person yet! I am sure we could teach each other a thing or two!

    I am 65 and recently retired due to lower back arthritis and severe trouble with respiratory viruses exacerbating asthma. The classroom full of kiddos was no longer the best place for me to be! I love to garden and am slowly regaining better endurance for some of the prep work in preparing the ground for planting. I can work for about 1 hour then need to rest my back for the day. My husband wishes to do woodworking, so I hope to learn that with him. We will be building planter boxes when i can get up and about better. That will teach us some of the skills for more advanced woodworking projects. Who knows, maybe it will become a "cottage industry" for us in our retirement. Maybe our sons will get the "bug" and work with us on projects, too.

    Whatever we can do as a family, I am happy for that. Our oldest son got us all into learning to use guns. We go shooting as often as we weather permits up in the hills by our house. he is a good teacher, very knowledgeable and safety conscious. We love to camp together and try to go for at least one family camping trip each year. My sons like to hike, but I cannot do that due to my back.

    I don't know if you experienced this or not, but each of our sons went through a time as young adults when they did not want to have a thing to do with parents. So we have been working on developing better adult relationships with each of them over the last dozen years or so. they are becoming more relational with us over this time. I pray every day for them to be drawn to return to the Lord again. I pray for my oldest sons new wife to turn from Islam to Jesus and I pray for God to bring the best women for my other two sons to be their wives. All are in their thirties.

    Thank you for sharing. As believing parents we do our best to raise our children up in faith, but at some point we need to release them wholly to the Lord.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Well, Gigi, we are a bit the same in some ways! I too enjoy physical work. My son always is after me to 'slow down', I'll be 69 this summer, and in his mind, I should 'take it easy'. But I'm a firm believer that we 'lose' what we do not 'use'. It's true in our spiritual lives, and in our physical. We have a wood stove, and I'm always stacking wood, or hauling wood, mowing the lawn, etc.! This (as you so well put it!) 'foo foo' stuff isn't my 'thing'. :)

    Those are GREAT skills to have, regarding the power tools. I've not delved into that area yet, but probably should. It's good for gals to know that stuff!

    My son was showing me some videos on 'wood turning' from the you tube channel, "David's Woodturning'. It's fascinating. I would LOVE to do stuff like that! If I had lots of money - I'd also love to learn pottery and have my own pottery 'shed'! I love creative things; I don't say I have a lot of talent for it, but sure like to try!

    Have a wonderful new week, Gigi!!
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Kay,

    I too, am not a manicure, fake nail, foo-foo girl either. I like to work hard. I am learning to use power tools now that my husband is stocking his tool repertoire for upcoming retirement. Learned to use the chop saw, circular saw, reciprocating saw, drill, impact driver, in the month before my surgery. My friend and I are "in training" concerning tools. So, my husband shows me how and then I go to her house and show her and we practice on scrap wood. Kinda fun, actually. But the best thing is that my husband and I can work on projects together (and with our sons, too).
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi!

    I am just rejoicing with you in your very speedy recovery! Sometimes, as I look back over the years of my life, I am amazed at the things that the Lord has healed me from, from the 'usual' things like colds and flu, to more serious brushes with health issues! NO medicine or doctor or surgery would be effective apart from the Lord's blessing on it, so I just give Him the glory! He truly is still the Lord Who heals us!

    It's so cute what you said about your hubby taking care of you! It is VERY good for husbands and wives to minister to each other! Two are better than one! I know how you feel though. It's easier to be the 'care giver' at times, than to be the 'care receiver." I am not the type of gal who likes manicures, pedicures and that kind of 'girlie' stuff. :) So yeah...I'd rather be the care giver for sure; I'm very comfortable in that role. But then again, in my younger days, I was a health care think it goes with the territory! It's just how I'm made!

    That is awesome that you are gaining mobility so fast in your feet and with your hand, and now you can type 2-handed again! The rate you're going, you'll be out in that garden in no time! Praise the Lord!

    I'd love to be out in the garden..but it's going to be in the 30's again for a couple of nights this coming week. I hate to set plants out when we're still getting such chilly nights for fear they'll freeze! Oh well; this gives me a chance to grow some of the lovely fruit of patience! Ha ha!

    In any case, it's good to hear from you Gigi. The prayer will continue for that full recovery! I like how Charles Spurgeon often noted that 'God does nothing by halves.' When He does anything, He does a good, full job! Praise Jesus!!

    Love in Christ, with holy hugs, dear sister!

  • GiGi again - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Hi Kay, thanks for asking.

    I am doing very well. Got all of my stitches out earlier this week and doctor says I can begin walking on my foot unassisted! it hurts a little but walking will aid in healing and restoring flexibility. I can go up and down stairs upright now!

    My hand is improving day by day. I can now type two handed! My grip is not too strong yet and gets tired and painful at times, but working it helps reconnect communication between the tissues in my hand and improves flexibility.

    Today was a warm sunny day. I am itching to get out and garden, but cannot wear regular shoes yet. I wear oversized slippers so my foot won't get squeezed and hurt. I am hoping I can get back to regular shoes in a week or so.

    I am very pleased with my progress. The Lord is giving me quick healing, better than I thought! My husband is still doing many things for me, but i want to try to do more for myself now. Shall see if he :lets me". HaHa.

    It is good for him to care for me. Couples need to do this as we age so that we can trust our spouse to do well with us when the time comes that we need more care. So, he is practicing up. I am pretty much a "caregiver" type of person, so he is in good hands with me, should he have need of more care from me.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    I've experienced all of those offenses. Jesus said "offenses will come."

    Apostle Paul was jailed frequently. Apostle John was stuck on an island most of his life: but he wrote the Book of Revelation for us.

    Social Media teaches us to be Reactionary; favorably or unfavorably. We need to FOLLOW JESUS, as He said. Live Jesus.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Gigi, I had to hop on here and see how you're doing! You're often on my mind, and forgive me for not asking sooner!

    I hope by now, you're well on your way to healing!!

    Have a wonder-filled weekend in Jesus!

  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Hi Leigh,

    This is a hard discipline, a hard lesson for us to love our enemies. And others have given great responses, filled with godly wisdom. Now I'd like to encourage you with some things that help me to grow in this area.

    First of all, it isn't just 'those people' who tell us to love our enemies. It is our Master Who tells us to do so. Matthew 5:44,

    "BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

    Whenever Jesus says, in Scripture, "BUT I SAY UNTO YOU", boy...I sit up and take notice! It is the LORD commanding us to do so, not mere human beings.

    Secondly, Jesus would not ask us to do something without giving us grace and Holy Ghost power to do so.

    Thirdly, when I am treated badly, I think of how Jesus died for me when I was His enemy. Before I knew Him, when He was on that cursed tree paying for my crimes, He looked down through history and was forgiving me, for I was so depraved in my sin, I had no idea what I was doing...REALLY. What a Savior!

    It is an honor then, when we are mistreated, to get a chance to be like Jesus, the Lord Who we love, and choose to forgive.

    Fourthly, we pray our godly example will lead our troublers to repentance. And if they do not repent, justice will be served at God's good pleasure. Vengeance belongs to Him. He WILL repay. All will work out in righteousness as we wait on God.

    Fifthly, I think on many examples of saints who have been persecuted and/or martyred for the faith; how many sealed their testimony with forgiveness to those who took their lives! human can do this alone; but we're not alone! We have the Holy Spirit!

    Don't be discouraged! It is God's will that we forgive - and He will help us to do it! He will get all the glory for it, for it is by His own power we overcome evil with good!

    Blessings, Leigh!
  • Free - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Leigh" and Gigi, we must forgive if we do not also our unforgivable mind will be held fast and we ourselves will not be forgiven by God. That is what Jesus Himself says. Mark 11:25-26

    We have also received help from the Holy Spirit who will guide us if we ask Him. John 16:13-15

    Personally, i pray to got a gentle spirit, so that i do not overwhelm others with my claim in such moments. The disciples asked Jesus one day. Luke 9:54-55

    So much injustice has been done to me, but i rarely take it up. That is, if i can refer to God's Word, i will gladly do so. :) Be happy dear friends, we have conquered the world in the Name of Jesus. He will never leave us. He does not first give a gift and take it back, as we humans can often do!

    But on the other hand, we have a thief, a devil, a cunning liar who constantly tries and steals our gifts. That is why it is especially important to be vigilant, especially when we talk about forgiveness. For with unforgiveness also comes bitterness and hatred. This things are not in the kingdom of God, at all! So take back up gift of grace you received, so that you reveal all that does not come from the Lord. 2 Timothy1:6-8

    Stay blessed in His holy Name Jesus, love u all in Christ. Matthew 25:14-30
  • GiGi - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Leigh, what you said is very true of us. We do not love our enemy, but can with the work of the holy Spirit in us. It takes conscious effort to be loving in the face of being sinned against as the Holy Spirit reminds us of Christ's words to love our enemies, to bless them, to pray for them. The more one submits to the Holy Spirit on such matters the easier it gets to actually obey the words of our Savior.

    I do think that forgiving others is challenging, too. But again, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in us to enable us to will and do what Jesus calls us to do.

    People who have had horrible things done to them have a bigger challenge than others. It helps if others pray for these people since they have so much to bear and work through.
  • Leigh on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    I wonder about all these people who preach love thy enemy. If you were lied against, if I slapped you would you turn the other cheek? If I put you in prison could you forgive me. Even little offenses can be difficult to forgive.
  • Calledout on Luke 6 - 2 years ago
    Luke 6 verse 5

    And he said unto them ,that the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath .

    I wonder how many actually understand this verse ...

    But is sure shows what power and authority God has given Jesus of Nazareth .
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Luke 6:12 - 2 years ago
    Amen Bob.

    That is in the context of what that verse is saying, It's not a verse that we use to examine a fault or to bring condemnation, It's used to verify.

    Here's it in its context;

    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Matthew 7:15-16.

    This is not an outward showing of the flesh, This is caused by the husbandman "God!" This is spirit indwelling!! Not the works of the flesh where man have an outward appearance but dead on the inside.

    Matthew 23:27.

    You can't work this up.

    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matthew 7:18.

    Here's another reference to your comment. Matthew 23:25-26.

    I believe this is what Henry was getting at also.

    This is wonderful scripture and important to keep it in its context.

    This is the ministry of the Holyspirit.

    This is not examining a fault in another such as a mote in ones eye or pulling a beam out of our eyes.

    those verses is speaking of judging/condemning.

    Fruit is something you don't produce, it's something you bare. You're the branch connected to the vine!

    Now we can examine ourselves and according to John, We can know whether we're in the faith or not.

    1 John 4:13-21.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Luke 6:12 - 2 years ago
    Amen Henry.

    if we're connected to the vine there will be some sign of life!! "You shall know them by their fruit". This fruit is "CAUSED" by the vine.

    God bless.
  • Henry on Luke 6:12 - 2 years ago
    Jesus said that you will know them by their fruits so I guess that we can also be "fruit inspectors".
  • D.G.Warren on Luke 6 - 3 years ago
    Thank you all for your comments ! I am thankful that I located this. I have been told that I am a "people" person & usually get along with everybody. I have met along the way a lot of people ,& have been blessed with friends. I have had some serious bumps in my life's path . I have had to forgive others, God has helped, people who have betrayed the path of friendship. God has helped me see I have been blessed by all relationships . I always pray for those who are in my life . Fortunately , most of the people in my life I have been truly blessed to know. It is difficult to see people stumble in the path to the world but I can't go that way. I have been blessed with a Christian family & close friends ! "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing ( Edmund Burke)". Pray for all.
  • Dj on Luke 6 - 3 years ago
    its ok i mean its not bad
  • David on Luke 6 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Lord for all my brothers and sister's and their walk with you. God bless all the saints as we await the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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