Bible Discussion Thread

  • Philip Christian Parks on Romans 1 - 2 years ago
    a reprobate mind; v.28 = The term "mind", as a noun, refers to one's human knowledge and intelligence stored within the brain, and the faculty of mentally processing that knowledge and intelligence motivated by emotion, intent, purpose, and the desired result.

    The mind's mental processes provide the ability to make decisions based on comprehension and differentiation. The mind formulates one's discernment, opinions, viewpoints, morals, convictions, and beliefs. (cp. Eph. 2:3).

    Contextually, depravity and rejection of all things Holy and GODly motivates this mind into the state of "reprobation" leaving GOD to "give them over" to their own sinful will to multiply sin upon sin. Sexual sins are commonly the lowest type of sins of which the sinner sinks into a state of "reprobate".

    The adjective "reprobate" means they fail GOD's spiritual test thoroughly in every point and in every way. Thus, GOD rejects them as unfit, spurious, and unusable and "gives them up" ( Rom. 1:24, 26, & 28) to their own carnal devices which they often blend into their religious beliefs and practices (cp. Tit. 1:16). Such become a "castaway", a word which translates from the same Greek adjective, and a condition of which Paul greatly feared ( 1Cor. 9:27).

    Sadly, these reprobates do not lightly come to this condition, for many put great efforts into achieving this reprobation as Paul declared in Romans Chapter One.

    Of note, the same Greek adjective root translated here into "reprobate" and into "castaway" ( 1Cor. 9:27) also translates into "rejected" in Hebrews 6:8.

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