Discuss 1 Chronicles 25

  • MM on 1 Chronicles 25 - 4 years ago
    Yes Insight 777, thank you for your comment.David the Psalmist was a man of war who realized that one can not do anything but God.( psalms 121) While surrounded by enemies he designs a strategy to praise the Lord and communicate God's word through songs.He doesn't consider his dangerous situations but God, the maker of heavens and earth.I think we should also do like David and prosper.
  • Insight 777 on 1 Chronicles 25 - 9 years ago
    verse 5... the horn or shofar is a call to war. To lift up the horn is preparation for the event. These people are given the song which I think means technology and coded communication. These people have to be cunning which means educated, highly intelligent with ability to plan together.

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