Bible Discussion Thread

  • Bmoneysavage - 3 weeks ago
    How will God's people be distinguished from the wicked? Rev. 7:1-3
  • TheWoman - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    By our hearts
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 3 weeks ago
    In the world post-rapture (as I see things in Eschatology) God will begin to use the Jewish people as the primary agent for the Spirit to utilize once again to bring upon "Jacob's trouble" to bring national repentance that only comes to full fruition right

    before Armageddon according to verses in Zechariah. Once the church is gone; truly faith will be hard to find on the earth ( Luke 18:8).

    Before discussing the mark given to these individuals; we should consider the fact that they are God's servants as these verses indicate. I won't go into various considerations of what the term "virgins" means except to say morally and spiritually these are uncompromised individuals "sold out" for Christ. There will be many "religious" people in the harlot religion at this time which

    I suspect is a hybrid of Christianity and mystical elements of other religions tied into the One World Government for the first half of the Tribulation. THESE individuals I believe will cause the greatest persecution at that time; to be replaced later on after the mark of the Beast comes forth that will readily identify the wicked and those who will be damned.

    No doubt anyone who is a servant of God rather than an adherant to the false religion which no doubt will bring an expectation of continuing wealth during the seal judgments will go after anyone who loves the Lord like this; which may be only the 144,000 at first then those of the countless multitude saved afterwards mentioned later on in this chapter. I would doubt the seal of the righteous is readily identified by eyesight but certainly seen in the spiritual plane as an identifier. The fact that during the trumpet judgments (which seems to be the time period related to harm to the earth and sea after this sealing) that these individuals won't be touched will make any mystery as to who they are go out the window. They will be no doubt hated by the world and the mark of the beast will be the rebel response for "protection".

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